This is the archive page for June 2003

Apple Powermac G5

It would be so cool to be using one of these, if only I know how to erase a rewritable disc in OS X. Tried out the G4 at the office, learned that I will always be Bill Gates’ cash–daddy. If you plan to get the G5, be sure to read some interesting thoughts on […]

Impressive fashion photos

I was browsing around Jerry Tieng’s now famous and came across two inspiring fashion galleries: Tommy Zablan’s My Ordinary World and Jake Verzosa’s Fashion/Portraits. If you see all of Jake’s photos, you’ld be amazed how good he is considering all he did back in High School was play Magic The Gathering and basketball. Hehe, […]

Dead Microsoft Browsers

After stopping further development of Windows Internet Explorer 6, Microsoft has announced that IE5/Mac would be the Mac’s last. It would have been easy to rejoice thinking there will be less browsers to worry about, but realizing that more people will be stuck with their current Microsoft browser only makes things seem a bit darker. […]

Bad browser sniffing

While reading reviews of retro air jordans at Kicksology, I clicked on a link to but couldn’t get in using my Mozilla Firebird 0.6. The site was sniffing my browser incorrectly, thinking it was some old browser before IE4 or NN4. Mozilla also can’t access the site. Bad browser redirection script? It’s a personal […]

Second day at work…

It’s my second day working at Jaemark’s office, trying to come to terms with phpnuke and postnuke, trying to make the most out of these monstrous applications. I never understood before how nuke can be used, until I did a postnuke install in less than five minutes. Doing a windows install would be much harder.