Earlier today, Hana had the boys work on a mini-project to commemorate Ninoy Aquino’s death anniversary. We also had them watch a few documentaries on his life, because we’ve always felt that kids should grow up knowing their heroes. And the job of introducing them to personalities they should look up to should not fall on schools alone—parents should let children know about history without the sanitized versions people peddle these days.
Curiously, Kuya Mikku chose to write down this inspiring quote:
The only advice I can give you: live with honor and follow your conscience.
For me though, I find this line attributed to Ninoy to be his poetic best:
A time comes in a man’s life when he must prefer a meaningful death to a meaningless life.
He lived—and died—guided by that exact thought. If only Filipinos lived with as much love and sacrifice for the Philippines.
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