The recent growing popularity of htmx in all walks of life from cereal flavors to car insurance rates to nuclear security protocols once again is surfacing a problem we haven’t solved: post-cloud-native developers don’t understand basic things anymore.
Oops, someone said it out loud. Too loudly, with a sprinkling of funny cynical commentary.
Next time you wonder why someone stopped doing something they used to do (like blogging), maybe they got caught up in an endless loop, aimlessly making themselves feel better in the moment.
Why procrastination is about managing emotions, not time.
you have ruined javascript
We had a good thing, you ruined it. We had an escape route from that ridiculous enterprise hand-holding bullshit and instead of learning how to fucking code you’ve just brought your factory provider providers with you into what was once an okay place to get stuff done.
Has Design Become Too Hard?
So relax. Quit tearing yourself down for not knowing every framework that’s out there. Stop worrying about where the fun went. And go design something useful and beautiful. Same as you always have.
It gets harder to explain as the years pass. Once upon a time, we were all just fucking webmasters. We were magicians and the web was our magic.
2015: The Year in Design
Don’t design to prove you’re clever. Design to make the user think she is.
Give yourself permission to write incomplete and imperfect stories. They’re yours and their value comes from more than technique.
The case for blogging will always be there, because there’s a story to your story.
The New Kid
“We need you, man. Let’s go!” — not exactly what every new guy is waiting to hear.
Jason Fried, on BaseCamp’s Valuation: “How much are we worth? I don’t know and I don’t care.”
That line right there basically explains why 37 Signals/BaseCamp is the company I (and you should, too) will always want to emulate.
Raising money is not the same thing as making a sale
When in doubt, make a customer happy.