20 Things We Should Say More Often
Great list, but the kid forgot “I love you.”
Behind the Scenes: HBO’s 1983 Intro Sequence
Back in the 80’s, *this* was cutting edge.
Give control and create leaders
Former nuclear submarine commander David Marquet, on “Greatness.”
The New Retirement Age Is Thirty
So being unsettled and wanting more out of life is not a millennial problem or a hipster problem or a ‘whatever new word marketers are using to describe young people’ problem. It’s really a problem of being ‘plugged in’ all the time, and never being given the freedom to shut off.
How I Discovered a $30,000 Photo in My Family’s Storage Unit
The ending makes it even sweeter, I think.
Nürburgring for Dummies, a guide
If like me you occasionally dream about driving the green hell in a supercar, read up.
Twitter founder reveals secret formula for getting rich online
The bottom line, Williams said, is that the internet is ‘a giant machine designed to give people what they want.’ It’s not a utopia. It’s not magical. It’s simply an engine of convenience.
Arthur C. Clarke: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
How Paypal and Reddit faked their way to traction
When ‘faking it before making it’ actually works.
On Muppets & Merchandise: How Jim Henson Turned His Art into a Business
1: Make art. 2: Make art make money. 3: Make money make art.