This is the archive page for August 2010

A Dog and A Broken Lens

The few times you’d see Barbie here on my blog, it’s usually when I’ve got something new, like when I got LX3 Lex. Today’s no exception, though it’s not officially new but simply back from the broken gadget bin. Introducing, the Lensdaddy: The Lensdaddy used to be a lowly Canon 50mm f/1.8 with no name, […]

Reboot, 2010

Exactly eight years ago, I wrote this weblog’s oldest entry. It was a short piece desperately trying to put some sense of purpose to my online presence—and I probably wrote it more for myself than my readers. 96 months later, I find myself asking the same unspoken questions: What am I exactly doing? It’s good […]

Selling the Drama

Some things just don’t feel important enough until they’re gone. Or almost gone. Recently, I wrote about how I just might lose my domain if not for some sort of a miracle. Thankfully, they do happen without much fanfare, sometimes. I followed Jepoy’s advice suggesting that I get in touch with, the administrator […]