This is the archive page for posts categorized under Blogging

Wonders of blogging

Burningbird notes that several well–known webloggers have successfully found good jobs, notably Tim Bray and Mark Pilgrim. Can blogging really help you find a job? I should find out for myself. Yes, I need a job.

Page and Brin’s Blog

Larry Page and Sergey Brin of the–site–called–google now have their own weblog. It actually is several months old, but with posts only every few weeks. Fun, straightforward thoughts from the creators of the web’s most famous search engine. They don’t have permalinks yet, so just check out the post for February 15, 2003.

Microsoft fires blogger

Someone at MSCopy just lost his job for posting on his blog the idea that “even Microsoft wants G5s.” Is this at all reasonable? Microsoft owning some Apple G5s does not indicate anything negative, considering they also sell MS Office for the Mac.

Why do people blog?

What are the reasons people publish on the web using weblogs? Or in general, what are the justifications for self–publishing? I had my own answers a year ago, but occasionally I’m left wondering if running your own site is really worth the time and expense. This post on “always write” somehow justifies it for people […]

instant pancitcanton and other blogs

Since I don’t have anything to write about concerning myself, why don’t you just head for Jaemark’s instant pancitcanton? Yes I know you were there minutes ago, and you wouldn’t be here if not for his blog. A blog I’ve been reading recently is Vic Icasas’ He Shoots, He Scores. This guy is one hell […]