
wp-recent-links Functions

Listed below are some of the functions made available for use by this plugin. Unfortunately, this is no longer current. Instead, just view the rp-plugin-recent-links.php source for more information.

Displays links for the homepage (index.php).
$default_days – The number of days of links to display.
Defaults to 7.
Displays links for the archive page (or current month).
$default_days – The number of days of links to display.
Defaults to 30.
Displays the most recent links added to your linklog.
$limit – The number of links to display.
Defaults to 12.
$use_permalink – Use permalinks for your links? True or False.
Defaults to false.
$permalink_beginning – Permalink at the beginning of the link? True or False.
Defaults to True.
$permalink_icon – Permalink icon used.
Defaults to the commonly-used ‘#’ character.
$inline_caption – Use inline captions, in addition to the title attribute.
Defaults to false.
$date_append – Date format of the date string added for a link’s title attribute. This is based on PHP’s date() function. Defaults to ‘F j’, which displays March 22.
Other suggested formats:
jS M Y @ g A ==> 22nd Mar 2004 @ 5 PM
M j ==> Mar 22
$before – String to add before the link-formatted text.
Defaults to “<li>”
$after – String to add after the link-formatted text.
Defaults to “</li>”
$between – String to add after a link. This is added after the $after string.
Defaults to “\n” (newline)
<?php rp_recentlinks_archives_url(); ?>
Displays the URL of the archives page for the recent links plugin.
<?php rp_recentlinks_rss2_url(); ?>
Displays the URL of the RSS 2 feed for the recent links plugin.
<?php rp_recentlinks_month($limit = '',
$show_link_count = false,
$use_permalink = false,
$permalink_beginning = true,
$permalink_icon = '#',
$inline_caption = false,
$date_append = 'F j',
$before = '<li>',
$after = '</li>',
$between = "\n"); ?>
Displays the links for the given month.
$limit – The number of links to display.
Defaults to 12.
$show_link_count – Show link count for given month? True or False.
Defaults to false.
$use_permalink – Use permalinks for your links? True or False.
Defaults to false.
$permalink_beginning – Permalink at the beginning of the link? True or False.
Defaults to True.
$permalink_icon – Permalink icon used.
Defaults to the commonly-used ‘#’ character.
$inline_caption – Use inline captions, in addition to the title attribute.
Defaults to false.
$date_append – Date format of the date string added for a link’s title attribute. This is based on PHP’s date() function. Defaults to ‘F j’, which displays March 22. Other suggested formats:
jS M Y @ g A ==> 22nd Mar 2004 @ 5 PM
M j ==> Mar 22
$before – String to add before the link-formatted text.
Defaults to “<li>”
$after – String to add after the link-formatted text.
Defaults to “</li>”
$between – String to add after a link. This is added after the $after string.
Defaults to “\n” (newline)
<?php rp_recentlinks_archives($limit = '',
$show_link_count = false,
$before = '<li>',

$after = '</li>',
$between = "\n"); ?>

Displays the monthly archives for the recent links plugin.
$limit – The number of links to display.
Defaults to ”, which shows all.
$show_link_count – Show link count for given month? True or False.
Defaults to false.
$before – String to add before the link-formatted text.
Defaults to “<li>”
$after – String to add after the link-formatted text.
Defaults to “</li>”
$between – String to add after a link. This is added after the $after string.
Defaults to “\n” (newline)
Displays the monthly archives for the recent links plugin.
default_days – The number of days of links to display.Defaults to 30.