
Reading comments on Yuga’s blog, I came across an interesting site named “Hane.PH!”, predictably with the catchy domain. The homepage appears to be a business directory of sorts, and the about page claims:

this will be the Philippines most used, most trusted, and most reliable Business Directory and this blog is where you get all the inside scoop of what is happening behind the scene.

A pretty good vision for an aspiring online service, no matter how raw it may seem right now. Unfortunately, the site’s author shows no respect for Filipino bloggers, as written on its weblog:

im having a time hard figuring out how to approach bloggers SPECIFICALLY PINOY bloggers to link me back or have a linkback exchange with Hane.PH!.. i feel more comfortable exchanging links with REAL businesses.. and unlike our american counterparts, if you actually read a pinoy’s blog it’ll give you the impression that they think they own the world.. i call that THE STARLET COMPLEX..

Disappointing. He claims he finds it hard to get a link from prominent pinoy bloggers, and manages to piss them off all at the same time. How can you expect a link when you don’t even have a working beta of your service up and running? You can’t get the Filipino blogosphere running gaga with hot air for publicity and a business plan that’s too good to be true. To add more insult, you take it against the Filipino blogosphere their failure to recognize your still soon to be released site. A site which right now seems to be destined to morph into a spam portal masquerading as a business directory. I just hope I’m wrong.

30 Responses

  1. first of all i would like to say how appreciative i am that you visited Hane.PH’s blog and write its first review.. i would admit it does kinda hurt those words you have just said, which i totally understand.. Hane.PH!s blog has only been around for 2 days, the blog itself is not my online expression of what i think as a person (as oppose to what you have just done, thank you), but more of an online journal of the development of something that is wonderful people like you wouldnt even think of in a million years..

    i will not even try to retaliate for every word that you have just said.. i wouldnt even gonna bother to explain things that confuses you or ddnt understand.. i just hope you will not eat those words in the future..

  3. wrencelot, thanks for leaving a comment.

    first of all i would like to say how appreciative i am that you visited Hane.PH’s blog and write its first review..

    Unfortunately, it’s not a review. I can’t review a non–existent product. What I wrote is more like a commentary on how you should go about with developing your site, including how to treat people with respect.

    the blog itself is not my online expression of what i think as a person (as oppose to what you have just done, thank you), but more of an online journal of the development of something that is wonderful people like you wouldnt even think of in a million years..

    Who said it was a personal attack against you? I don’t care how you think as a person, but I do take offense for fellow Filipino bloggers whom you attack so carelessly. And dude, if that isn’t you thinking on your blog, then who is? All the more you shouldn’t take it personally.

    Now you suggesting I wouldn’t think of doing a development blog is a personal attack. I’d take that very personally, since you would rather piss me off than address the very essence of my entry. Before you talk trash, be sure you know who or what you’re dealing with. And you know talking trash would take you nowhere.

    i will not even try to retaliate for every word that you have just said.. i wouldnt even gonna bother to explain things that confuses you or ddnt understand.. i just hope you will not eat those words in the future..

    You just retaliated, don’t you think? Now I’m sensing you’re trying to find some vindication for all this. And it’s all because you refuse to answer these two simple questions: Why launch a half–assed product full of 404s that isn’t even working? And why do you have to attack Filipino bloggers who fail to see value in your half–assed product?

    I wouldn’t mind eating my words, because all I did was express my opinion. You’re just as free to do so, but don’t expect us to think the way you do. Especially after you’ve taken it against the Filipino blogosphere.

  4. p—, ang yabang, ah! nakakapikon. o gusto lang sumikat? i suggest you remove your link to his site, markku. huwag mo nang tulungan.

  5. try reading the 404’s you are talkin about.. youve already seen it, why not try reading it..

    and just for the record, i am not taking anything against Pinoy Blogosphere.. wherever gave you that impression is certainly not mine..

    and since obviously you know everything, riddle me this: why would someone developing a website uses their site as their own testing server..?

    and thank you so much, appaarently you are helping me..

  7. wrencelot, please stop acting like a child and stop skirtng the issue at hand.

    and just for the record, i am not taking anything against Pinoy Blogosphere.. wherever gave you that impression is certainly not mine..

    Look at that. Why don’t you try reading your blog so you would know where I’m coming from.

    and since obviously you know everything, riddle me this: why would someone developing a website uses their site as their own testing server..?

    Did I say I know everything? Or you’re under the impression I know everything? In that case, be very afraid. You wouldn’t want me on top of the SERPs for the exact keywords you’re trying to get, right?

    Dude, get a life. You’re obviously too afraid to admit any wrongdoing, and arrogant enough to piss off everyone. Get on with whatever you’re building, but don’t expect any publicity from this side of the fence, because the only talk you’re gonna get will be of the negative kind.

  8. sorry to burst your bubble pal, i dnt play by the rules, not for Hane.PH! i dont.. you know what, why dont you..? i bet you dont have anything else better to do than blog so why dont you beat me on those keywords.. i recommend you do it, something worth doing besides blogging.. hey, arent you supposed to speak on the 2nd blog summit..? what are you gonna talk about..? i bet you will tell how fulfilling to be on your side of the fence talking about negative stuff.. sounds fun.. ill try to drop by..

  9. Dude, just drop it. Obviously, you’d rather take personal attacks than address the issues at hand. Further discussion would lead to nothing, because you refuse to listen.

    Please don’t suggest that I have nothing else to do or any other form of personal attack, that’s just too lame. If you can’t take criticism, you don’t have to. Really.

    I’m not a speaker at iBlog2, just that you’d know. Don’t bother going, you won’t be getting links from pinoy bloggers. And I probably wouldn’t be there. On the other hand, you wouldn’t want to be there when I’m there.

  10. @ wrencelot

    I’ve read and re-read your entry about the link-exchange and from what I understand, you haven’t really tried asking for links yet. What gave you the impression that bloggers won’t link to you if you believe your site has something of value to offer?

    When you state that pinoy bloggers have the “starlet complex”, do you mean all pinoy bloggers or you’re just referring to a few?

    I would like to believe that this is just some sort of a miscommunication but try to read your entry again, pretend it’s someone else’s blog and the entry was referring to you as a pinoy blogger. How would you react?

  11. yuga, you are right, i havent tried because im having a hard time FIGURING OUT how to link me back or have a linkback exchange.. it means i am having a hard time to COME UP with WAYS HOW TO approach bloggers, ive only been seriously blogging for like 48 hours.. and i DDNT say im having a hard time getting links as oppose to what mr markkus posted on his blog which i quoted “He claims he finds it hard to get a link from prominent pinoy bloggers..” figuring out and getting links are two different thoughts..

    and with the starlet complex, ofcourse im NOT referring to EVERYONE because that is just plain stupeed to assume.. if some people think that they are included in the “EVERYONE” that i am referring to, then its not my fault they think that way.. god, i am not gonna spend the rest of my life being apologetic because people are being people, you know what i am saying..?

    i do understand where you two are coming from, i do, i am a pinoy, obviously i am a blogger too.. but id rather be on the side of the fence where bloggers are more optimistic..

    “I would like to believe that this is just some sort of a miscommunication but try to read your entry again, pretend it’s someone else’s blog and the entry was referring to you as a pinoy blogger. How would you react?” i wont react as much as markkus just did.. because i know im not one of those everyone.. as simple as that..

  12. wrencelot, you just said you’ve been seriously blogging for 48 hours, then why not listen to others who are trying to simply make a point?

    It’s one thing to be negative, and it’s a different thing to be stupid. It was you who insisted on your “starlet complex” theory for pinoy bloggers, and regardless of whom you intend to apply it to, you said it like it applies to everyone.

    You don’t need to apologize, and if you have nothing worthwhile to say then don’t. Don’t reply to the discussions, keep your thoughts to your weblog and you’d do just fine in your own world.

    Don’t insist on saying “obviously i am a blogger too” when you said you’ve been doing it for less than a week. No one was pulling you down when I wrote my first entry, but now I have more than enough reason to act that way. Because you deserve to be treated that way.

    And please stop referring to me as “mr markkus,” my name is Markku and I refer to you using the name you prefer to comment with. Respect. Now get on with your life.

  13. wrencelot, please stop trolling. I’m sure you’ve heard of rel="nofollow", right? Please, there’s no need to be more of what you already are. And consider yourself no longer welcome to leave a comment if all you’re going to do is flame.

    joachim, hahaha, that was nice dude. It’s not too often we share a good laugh online these days. 😉

  14. i think someone here is trying to dig their grave… be careful on what you say on the web, because there is such a thing as caching… and it will haunt you on day. and clients will fly off your shelves like spam in a fat camp.

  15. thanks for the tips.. you see, i would rather be an optimistic.. he asked me how do i like my apples, i said thanks, trying to be polite.. and yes i know about the “no-follow” and the “caching” thing, but you see, the general idea about Hane.PH! is to defy the law of search engines (not rely defy but something related to that).. if business owners (Pinoy business owners in particular) will only rely on search engines result for their business to be found, it’ll take them “syam-syam” before they can even score one customer thru the net.. and that is why i am trying to create a website like Hane.PH!.. of course you probably have noticed the catchy domain name, and probably you already read the Hane.PH! acronym stands for.. and if you ddnt see Hane.PH!s opening tagline, it says: “what are the odds that your business webpage would come out in a search engine result?” cool huh..? anyway, sorry about me flaming (i only learn about flaming thru you guys)..

  16. …or they can invest in PPC.

    If they’re in business and they’re smart, they probably allocated resources for marketing. Use the cash on a PPC campaign.

  17. Thanks Marc. Seemingly, this guy wants to kill both the local hosting and SEO/SEM practitioners all at the same time, with just his savior of a site. Too naive for his own good?

  18. does directory ring a bell? heheheh.

    mini review: is more like a web 0.0 ish link filter… or in layman’s terms an online directory… buti na lang nilagyan nya ng DHTML (pero he’s convinced na AJAX yun)… damn, dami palang natutunan nitong asong to sa pag-boblog sa prenster.

  19. Isn’t a directory what Yahoo and Google were created for?

    They had to create a search because the directory got too big to handle. What would happen if “that website” had 1,000,000 entries for one business? Would the user have to scroll down by his/herself? Or would a search engine actually be a good idea?

    Think about it. It would then all boil down to which business has a name that starts with either a number or the letter “A”. If your business would be named “Zeotrope” that would almost mean you’d be bottom on the list. Which wouldn’t be good for business.

    Nice try on the “directory site”. But we already have Google and Yahoo for that.

  20. #25 · wrencelot 7PM of April 13 {subscribed to comments}

    i rest my case.. crab mentality sucks..

    Crab mentality? No one’s trying to pull you down from your success. We’re all just a bit pissed off that you accuse all of having a “Starlet complex”. Of course in your eyes, you don’t see yourself as doing anything wrong. But you hurt other people’s feelings, and if feelings get hurt, be prepared for some retaliation.

  21. and another burn, BURRRRRRRRRNNNNN!!!!!!

    this ain’t crab mentality brah, it’s da kine where YOU WISH IT WAS even close to crab mentality… you were never on your way to the top anyways, joe ren…

    “rest your case????” dude, we ain’t over yet, BIZATCH!

  22. I just made a discovery, go google for and this thread comes up first… and the actual domain doesn’t even show up on the results…


  24. …besides aren’t D-class directory links discounted?

    Aren’t DMOZ and Y!D the only true directories anymore? And this is more because of the trust element they give, not their referral traffic potential. I guess the real score is this: 85% of all referral traffic on the Internet originate from search engines. Only a small segment of the Internet population use directories to navigate the Web.

    I can say there’s still room for a couple of paid vertical directories. The Philippines however is yellow pages country (the offline kind).

  25. ampao64, thanks for providing your thoughts in this discussion. I don’t think I know you, but I’m glad you see things fairly. Do drop by once in a while. 😉

  26. wrencelot’s stunts does not seem to stop no matter how I try to tell him to do so. Apparently, he think he’s God or some other higher form of terrestial being. I’m too fed up with this kind of stupidity from this nincompoop that I’ll be closing this entry from further comments, pingbacks, or trackbacks.

    If you want to constructively contribute to this discussion, let me know so I can post your comment or link to you.

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