New domain, new design

For several years I’ve been moving my personal site from various hosting services, and this is the first time I’m actually paying for it. Thanks to my high school batchmate Noee over at ploghost, the hosting was ready in such a short time.

My old site is still up, maybe for a few more weeks until I produce something nice to place there.

This site’s current layout was done in haste, and there are no other sections yet except for the weblog. A photos section should be up soon, once I get the code for that part running. By the way, the weblog is still using tapsiLOG, the publishing tool I’ve been working on for quite some time now.

For now, just keep popping on this new site.

One Response

  1. this is your grammar/spelling/subj-verb agreement police and i’ve found two booboos so far. (where should i post them?) there’s no harm in proofreading bebe.

    btw, i think bush’s plane flew over our house. 🙂

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