Redesign 2004

After a few weeks of inactivity, rebelpixel productions is now back with a new design. My own weblog software has been set aside for now, in favor of the actively-developed WordPress, an excellent weblog publishing tool based on the old b2/cafelog source.

The decision to go with a readily-available system allowed me to focus on the design aspect of the site, as well as hack into WordPress whatever I needed. To my surprise, there are already several hacks that can be easily applied to suit your needs. Matt Mullenweg, Mike Little and the rest of the WordPress team have done a very good job.

The current layout validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2, and makes good use of Pixy‘s CSS-based preload-free rollovers as well as Dan Cederholm‘s Faux Columns and Stuart Robertson‘s CSS Design: Custom Underlines articles at A List Apart.

More contents coming soon. 🙂

5 Responses

  1. Thanks Matt! WordPress has been very good to me, almost everything I need is there, any addition is just a function() in my-hacks.php away!

  2. asteeg! naalala ko nung first time akong ma-in love sa design mo! btw, kasunod na ba nito ang magazine natin? hehee. 🙂

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