
wp–recent–links is a WordPress plugin (hack!) for adding a links blog to your WordPress–powered site, similar to kottke.org‘s remaindered links and as used on this site’s Recent Links section. Compared to WordPress’ included links manager, this plugin allows you to have a separate archives page for your links blog, including monthly archives. A set of functions for my-hacks.php is included to easily display a snippet of your links on your pages.

This is my first publicly–available WordPress hack, so please be gentle. Don’t worry, testing on my desktop as well as on this site provided no unwanted surprises. More information at the wp–recent–links project page.

23 Responses

  1. Hey! Sorry to say, I could not get this hack working…
    If possible can you check if this do actually works in one of the recent nightlies… coz i have one of them and it gives me an error…

  2. http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2004/03/29/wordpress-linkblog-hack/
  3. I was just about to reply that I’m gonna try the nightlies, but you have it solved. 🙂 Do post in your blog how you fixed it, in case other WP users run into the same problems. 🙂

  4. nope could not… 🙁 sorry for these junk posts…
    i must be making some errors… do check the hack on a nightly if u get time! 🙂

  5. Sushubh, I just tried it on the 2004-03-26 nightly and it wouldn’t display on the index.php file. Probably has something to do with the new plugin system, as the hacks file seems to be deprecated, and some global variables are now missing. Sorry.

    I will be updating the hack for WP-1.2 as soon as they release it, or when we get the final specs for the plugin system.

  6. good to know that i am still sane 😀
    i really felt sad that i could not get a hack working with so simple instructions!
    no problems i would wait for an update…

    the weird thing is that some guy got it working on 28th nightly. i met him on irc and dont exactly remember the name/uri!

    will wait 😉

  7. I’ve been using it for the last two nghts on 1.2 and havn’t noticed a thing. 😀 It works great!

    Always bear in mind the Sushubh Effect. 😉

  8. Oh, and that was me in IRC.

    Any chance for a favelet? I would hack one together myself, but I don’t think I know enough WP yet.

  9. Stephen, favelet? Is that different compared to a bookmarklet? 🙂 I’m trying to get one ready for those who need it. Once I figure it out, I’ll pack a new release.

  10. Great to hear, and yes favelets are bookmarklets. It’s rather a hassle to log into WP every time I want to link to something.

    As far as the code, the favelet could simply be this:

    escape(location)+'&title='+document.title,'Recent Links',

    All thats need then is a “recent-links-favelet.php” file that is simply a stripped down version of the add-link form. 🙂

    And shushubh: 😛

  11. its sushubh 🙂
    and u dont need a sushubheffect for this hack 😀
    and this hack is apprently working fine at my place.
    the problem i guess was time related. the hack does not follow the time settings in the blog… and the links i post are apparently being posted in the future and they appear after some hours are passed by. So I just change the time few hours back and voila the links are there where they should be :)…

  12. sushubh, sorry about the name. 🙂 and you’re right about the time-related bug! I’ll fix them and release an update soon. Thanks for the help.

  13. hi! i’m having the time difference problem. i’ve downloaded the latest version and am using wp 1.0.2. the links work if i put the time on them back a few hours..how can i fix this? (could you email me?)

  14. I love this hack and was wondering if it would be possible to place them in categories also? I am migrating from MT and my linklog on there had both monthly and category archives, which helps me when I’m looking for a link but can’t remember when I posted it, lol. 🙂 I’d try hacking it more myself, but I know just enough php/sql to get myself in trouble. 🙂

  15. Denise, right now I don’t use categories, but I’ll think about it. Thanks for using the hack and welcome to the WP family! 🙂

  16. I’ve really been wanting to get this hack to work on my site, but I keep running into the following:
    Fatal error: Cannot break/continue 1 level in /home/kate/public_html/wp-admin/recent-links.php on line 348

    I left a message in the WP forums asking for help fixing it, but decided to pop over here and ask, too. Since I know absolutely nothing about PHP, I don’t have the slightest idea how to figure this out myself. Help? Please???

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  18. I full-heartedly second Denise’s wish for categories. I am also dreaming of a page with four columns, with each of which displaying one of these categories. It would be great if the links and short descriptions were searchable from the usual wordpress search box. Any chance of putting this into action? – Great plugin, btw!-)

  19. Matthias, most of these features are actually very doable, but spare coding time is very scarce. Many users of the plugin are happy the way it is now, so I’m sticking with it until I get lots of time to add some spectacular features.

    Including it in WP’s search results is a more realistic goal, I’ll try that one and include it if it works. 😉

    Thanks for using the plugin, I’m glad you like it. 🙂

  20. Recent-Links is exactly the plugin I’ve been looking for, but I’m having a spot of trouble with it. I’ve installed and activated version 1.4 on WordPress, but the following error shows up at the top of wp-admin/recent-links.php three times:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /my/path/here/wp-includes/functions.php on line 1819

    I cannot edit the “default” link added by the plugin, and when I attempt to add a Recent Link all the feilds are empty. Any help if getting this running would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 🙂

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