Just a quick update

Yes, I’m still alive. It has been more than a week since I last wrote, and I didn’t even really write.

I’m working on a few important projects right now, notably a WordPress–powered Filipino webzine. At the same time, I’m experimenting on my desktop with multiple weblogs in WP, trying to hack something that wouldn’t feel like a hack when used. 🙂

I’m still playing with iPAP right now, not yet with MySQL support. Still with textfile–based storage, but with a fix that hopefully will eliminate any chance of database corruption. I feel the move to MySQL complicates a lot of things immediately, and if I really wanted to do that I would’ve just used something like Gallery, or used a web–based pay service like PBase. Still very much open to using a real database, if I find extended time to work on everything. But I’d rather go with SQLite, so that should be a good few months away. 😉

By the way, this site was featured on MaThIbUs’ list of recently redesigned weblogs. Along with several prominent web designers. What an honor!

2 Responses

  1. kevan, the unrelated photos feature is a WP plugin I created, but I manually copy and paste image URL and links from my iPAP install. The plugin can be toggled to stop inserting the photos, whenever I want. It uses a single postmeta field for the inserted data.

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