A Prayer For Employment

God, our Father, I turn to you seeking your divine help and guidance as I look for suitable employment.

I need your wisdom to guide my footsteps along the right path, and to lead me to find the proper things to say and do in this quest. I wish to use the gifts and talents you have given me, but I need the opportunity to do so with gainful employment.

Do not abandon me, dear Father, in this search, but rather grant me this favor I seek so that I may return to you with praise and thanksgiving for your gracious assistance.

Grant this through Christ, our Lord.


16 Responses

  1. God has plan for everyone of us. And prayers definitely are being heard. Keep up the faith for all you know, a new job is waiting for you. Good luck!

  2. While it is true God does have a plan for all of us, we sometimes need more patience the other times to see or wait for this grand plan.

    I am going through a difficult time aswell.
    I wish to pray.

    “Dear God, I know I haven’t spocken to you in a long time, but I am coming back to you my Lord. I pray for strength during this stressful time. You know of what stress I am speaking of. Guide Karen and I to what makes us happy. If that is appart then makes us happy. We honestly believe together is happy, but we have our questions, our stress. You know Karens prayers as well… please allow her to be happy before me. I can wait for her. Please God give me the stregth to wait for her, and give me the strength to find you again. I was once your child, but I have been lost…. I am calling you Lord, I am calling you.

    I have said a lot more to Him in the last couple days, I know He is listening, I know He is. I hope God can forgive me.

    Good luck to you finding a job, and good luck to you with everything you are going through right now… I have read your blog for about a month now. Thank you for reminding me that family and friends are always there.


  3. uy penge ng resume. ipapasa ko sa new media namin. saka paturo kung paano mag-encode ng old articles sa tinig. btw, wordpress na rin ako. 🙂

  4. How about some side projects? Marami ako puede pasa sayo if you want (design/programming). send me a rate card if you have one. Di kaya chat tayo sa YM if you are free. 😉

  5. “..I wish to sue the gifts and talents…”

    bakit mo naman isu-sue yung gifts and talents mo? hehe just kidding markku, i know that was a typo. be patient, u’ll get the job for you.

  6. James, hahaha, use pala yun, hindi sue. Yun yung nakalagay dati sa site nila eh, na-correct na din nila ngayon. Hehe, nasobrahan sa cut-and-paste. 🙂

    Thanks pre.

  7. pre,

    hang in there. the world is full of ups and downs… bilog ang mundo, paikot na ulit 😉

    salamat nga pala sa gmail, ngayon ko lang na-access. pinag-isipan kong mabuti kung kukunin ko o hindi eh

  8. mimi, akala ko ayaw mo na yung gmail eh, hehehe. 🙂

    Btw, there’s a nice way of setting up gmail: have your primary pop3 mailbox to also send (forward) a copy to your gmail, so everything sent to your main address effectively archives a copy in your desktop client and another copy in gmail.

  9. Dear brother
    Greetings in the precious name of Jesus.
    I’m Sajith from India, nice to know about you. I pray that the good Lord will keep you in His will. If He has to speak something to you during times like this, please give him an attentive ear. Like samuel let us say – “Speak Lord – Thy servant is listening”. And while doing it – let us pray for the grace to do what He wants us to do, when He tell us to do.
    God be with you.
    Sajith A

  10. I don’t know if this was a rant or serious, but I always get sick from people mixing THE INTARNET with religion. This [internet thing] has always been completely free from bigotry, racism and prejudice, and religion always seem to be a take-off for those things to start growing.

    Feel free to exercise any religion you wish, but don’t mix up web development and what could be called “the digital evolution” with religious banter. I’m not saying you or anybody commenting this is stupid or essentially wrong, I’m just saying that if you know religion, and you also know what the concept of religion brings, you should keep the topics separated. Looking at a large scale, it would be extremely sad if “web development” were suddenly something related to christianity, or Islam, or any other specific religion.

    But it’s just my $0.02. This post (by mr. Seguerra) probably makes no difference on the large scale. Peace to you all, whatever you worship.

  11. imposer, I guess that’s one way of looking at things. But do take in mind that this is a weblog, a personal one at that, dealing with almost anything I feel like talking about. The web and the internet is about freedom, the right to do anything you want with your site. But that also means dealing (and respecting) the opinion of other people regarding your content. And for that I respect your opinion, but it doesn’t change the way I run my own weblog. And this site isn’t exclusively devoted to web development, and not once did I claim such a thing.

    I guess it’s about doing the things you’re passionate about. 🙂

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