Upgrade in progress

I’ve been trying to complete my upgrade to the latest WordPress while doing a redesign at the same time, and I can’t wait to get things ready. So I’ll just do everything right on my server, live! Pages and functionality will break, along with stupid comments floating all around. Quite surely, the layout will break on older browsers. Pardon the mess.

8 Responses

  1. Oh… I saw it already. The project page displayed 404 errors when I first looked at it. Looks like you’re doing updates right now. Sorry if I’m causing you troubles. ^^

  2. bluetenshi the projects page is now back online and working properly. I was doing the updates in real time when you visited, hence the error accessing the page. Even more changes soon.

    kitta try to test on a local server especially if you use several plugins. Some plugins will take some hacking to get to work, like my recent links archive which currently refuses to cooperate. If you plan to redesign from scratch, do it directly as a theme to avoid extra work. Looking at the default kubrick–based theme will surely help a lot.

    Rob the floats are killing me! If I can’t take it anymore I’d bang my head on the wall and go table–based. Joke.

    But going table–based ain’t that bad, especially if you’re doing a site accessed by a wide range of browsers dominated by prehistoric versions. Just resist the temptation to overdo it. Like what we always hear: KISS — keep it simple, stupid. Or should that be “keep it simply simple?”

  3. This all looks very cool… Nice work, mate! Vertically forum-styled comment lists seem to be The Ultimate Web Design Trend of 2005. I assumed you were upgrading to WP 1.5, as yesterday I got all kinds of funky errors whilst trying to access your site…

  4. It’s a nice thing that in the navigation bar, the first letters of the words are in bold. That made me think they were accesskeys… Which would of course be very cool. You would have to choose between “projects” and “photos” for the letter “p” though!

  5. This all looks very cool… Nice work, mate! Vertically forum-styled comment lists seem to be The Ultimate Web Design Trend of 2005. I assumed you were upgrading to WP 1.5, as yesterday I got all kinds of funky errors whilst trying to access your site…

    Mathias, yes I’m jumping on the forum–styled comment list bandwagon! Somehow it works. Just having a hard time with the floats, and I want to avoid adding extraneous markup. Regarding accesskeys, I’ve been thinking about it. Maybe in the next few weeks. But honestly I don’t use it when browsing the web, just for gmail.

  6. http://blogs.andryshuzain.com/2005/12/29/tidak-diupgrade/

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