
I’m looking for great weblogs written by fellow Filipinos, or something related to the Philippines. Pinoyblog has a great pool, but I don’t think I can separate the exceptional ones from the good lot, not without spending several hours a day reading each one. Let’s do it this way, if you’ve got a great pinoy weblog or know one, leave a comment. If you’re not getting enough traffic but you think you should, then you should write in.

10 Responses

  2. I second batjay’s list and add: MLQ3 is one of the voices on the web that I give great consideration when looking for opinions on certain matters about what’s happening in the Philippines.

    I agree with you, Pinoyblogs has hundreds if not thousands of bloggers, so it will be very difficult to look out for great Filipino bloggers there.

  3. Not sure how long they’ve been on…PinoyCentric . Looks like they’ve put some effort on it.

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