iBlog2 in pictures

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It was really nice to see how far Filipino bloggers have come, now on its Second Philippine Blogging Summit. I was able to take a few photos at the problogging panel, the only one I actually attended. I was there with Anne around lunchtime, and was chatting with Abe, Manuel, and Jayvee for most of the afternoon before the problogging talk. Throughout the afternoon, I ran into or saw these local blogging personalities: Mike Abundo, The J-Spotter, Clair, Amanda, Jonas Diego, Dean Alfar, and many others I couldn’t remember right now. 😉

See you next year guys!

9 Responses

  1. joey, thanks for dropping by as well. 🙂 I’ve been visiting your blog recently and noticed you’re now using wordpress.com. Nice stuff you have there. 🙂

    mjerome, try to join us next year at iBlog3!

    jayvee, you’ve got mail. 😉

  2. I didn’t meet you AGAIN 😛 First was when Abe called a meeting in Ortigas before Holy Week (I think you and Jolo were going on vacation), and now, iBlog. I think Abe was going to introduce us sa iblog kaya lang I had to go na. Ah well. We’ll eventually meet 😛 Has Abe told you about “the WP plans” yet? 😀 I haven’t touched base with Matt about it again yet, medyo busy kasi ako eh. I think they’d prefer to see something concrete.

  3. Gail, let’s get something going for WP one of these days. 😉

    Janette, I’m already looking forward to iBlog3 now. Haha. 🙂

  4. http://rebelpixel.com/archives/2008/06/26/coffee-bean-a-practice-in-creativity/

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