Bloggers @ Taste Asia

Friends were asking why I haven’t blogged for weeks now; I asked back why they haven’t commented on my blog to ask.

“But we know you’re alive and okay.”

I guess not blogging can only be dramatic if you’re mysteriously missing, everywhere. I gotta go blog about something again.


So I’ll just post photos from the Blogger Food Fest @ Taste Asia (multiply mirror) last Tuesday, which was a huge success. The food was really great though I was unable to seriously pig out. Hehehe.

Dax flashes a signature pose.
Playing with my new Canon 10–22, we managed to snap a funny portrait of the bading magnet Dax, Fotogra’s official waiter–basher.

Jayvee and Rico look gloomy with their free coke glasses.
The best friends just had to have their couple portrait taken.

Rick, Karla, and Ederic with Cliquebooth/Fotogra's Karl doing the famous TXTPower pose.
Rick, Karla, and Ederic gamely posed with Karl who was busy copying Ederic’s famous TXTPower pose.

The hottest local blog love team. I'm not gonna give out their names though.
The hottest local blog love team. I’m not gonna give out their names though.

Now let’s move to the cliquebooth photos I nicked from the gallery. 😉

The band of bloggers go wild!
A bunch of bloggers trying to fit into the frame!

Team Fotogra. Sino ang naiba?
The cliquebooth is ideal for barkadas and couples. Here’s me looking very out of place. I hate it. :p

SVI + Mic cliqueboothing!
Me with my officemates and Pisay batchmate Mic having our fun with the Cliquebooth!

11 Responses

  1. Aba! Nagfocus ka pa talaga sa ilong ko. FYI, I don’t bash waiters pag di nila pinapakialaman yung lights ko.

    Pa-email naman yung pictures namin ni Rose. Thanks!
    Ganda yung effect ng background. Congrats on the new Canon. Iba na yung yumayaman.

    Sino nga ulit yung binigyan mo ng yellow roses? he he he Napagaya tuloy ako.

  2. hi markku,

    as soon as i start my own blog, can jayvee and i be the hottest local blog loveteam? hehe

  3. dax, highblood ka na naman eh. Hehehe. Sige email ko pic nyo soon. 🙂

    Yellow roses? No comment. Talk to my lawyer. :p

    taryn, that wouldn’t be a problem! Hahaha.

  4. Hahaha, sobra ka naman Riz, ilang linggo lang naman ako hindi nagsusulat ah. 😉

    Rick, para kang celebrity sa pic, Real Madrid! :p

    ajay, feeling ko hina–hunting na ako ni Karla ngayon… hehehe.


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