Hot, hot summer

Hot, hot summer.

This is the first photo I took that got published in a magazine, used as a whole page background for an article I wrote for the May–June issue of Mobile Philippines, the one with Priscilla Meirelles on the cover. There are more photos I took in this issue, which also happens to contain Sasha’s first published photo. Aside from my short blurb on the Philippine Blog Awards, it also has my hands–on of the Olympus mju 725, the shockproof–waterproof wonder I reviewed a few months ago.

Too bad this was an issue ago, but I guess there still are some copies left of this one in your favorite magazine stands.

8 Responses

  1. Tips for Boys:
    – wear trunks under your board shorts, not briefs. briefs should be worn on regular days, when you’re going to the office etc… when you don’t intend to soak in water.

    in short, beach == trunks!

  2. @Amanda: You might want to join my friend’s surfing tours at La Union. They regularly arrange for surfing lessons, at reasonable rates! Look here.

    @Leiababe: Ayan na naman yung favorite tip mo! :p

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