2007 Pisay ’96 Streetkids Christmas Party

2007 Pisay '96 Streetkids Christmas Party [1]

Last year’s Pisay ’96 Streetkids Christmas Party was a success we did not expect, at least not as much as people noticed it. Those who’ve seen the YouTube video were somehow inspired to do something similar, while others left praises of encouragement that never cease to make us smile, to this day.

2007 Pisay '96 Streetkids Christmas Party [2]

When Hana and I met with Mic a few weeks ago for some beer, we suddenly just thought of it doing the activity again despite the unavailability of most of those who helped last year. Crazy as it sounds, we simply thought it would be best to continue doing it until it becomes a batch tradition, continue doing it to let these kids feel the spirit of Christmas.

2007 Pisay '96 Streetkids Christmas Party [3]

We had no funds but knew calls for help to accomplish a good deed would not be left unanswered, or so we’d like to believe. Surprisingly, we were right!

Many of our Pisay batchmates were more than willing to donate, with a good number expressing their intention to help in the preparations for the activity. A pleasant surprise was the interest of the blogging community, with friends from the Blog & Soul Movement wanting to help and contribute too. And when we finalized the date and place for our little event, most of those we did not expect to be available confirmed that they’ll be coming. I guess sometimes, everything can just turn out right.

2007 Pisay '96 Streetkids Christmas Party [4]

2007 Pisay '96 Streetkids Christmas Party [5]

More than 70 kids came for this year’s party, more or less twice last year’s number. Aside from our high school batchmates, a good number of friends also came to help. I was delighted to see my pangga Hana taking charge and doing the story–telling chores for this year’s more makulit bunch, everyone was having a hard time getting them to participate actively, except for her who managed to keep the children in check.

2007 Pisay '96 Streetkids Christmas Party [6]

Our warmest gratitude to Aileen, Juned, Noemi, Jayvee, and AJ for their contributions, you’ve been of great help to us! Heartfelt thanks to our non–Pisay friends who found the time to make the activity a success. To our Pisay ’96 batchmates who sent in money and/or went to the party to help, thank you for being a part of this. I’d rather not name all of you, let’s just collectively call it “Pisay ’96” and leave it at that.

2007 Pisay '96 Streetkids Christmas Party [7]

2007 Pisay '96 Streetkids Christmas Party [8]

If you failed to join us, the photos are here, and you can comment on them in my multiply mirror.

10 Responses

  1. @hana: Thanks so much ga, you’re the best! 🙂 Yep, pwede ka mag-teacher if you want, influence the future leaders of our nation.

    @tala: Thanks!

    @benj: Madami, more than 70 silang mga bata! Thanks, it was a definite success. Juned was suggesting that we do something like it for Blog&Soul next year, I hope we can push it through.

  2. @junice: Thanks. A lot of people still do care, we just need to direct our efforts in the right channels to effectively address their needs.

  3. Thanks mida! Yes, our batch feel blessed to be given the chance to do this again. We hope to do this every Christmas from now on. 🙂

  4. http://baratillo.net/?p=888

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