Red Box Wii Nights

If you’re not into karaoke much unlike 99 percent of the Filipino population, this might get you into Red Box anyway. Riding the crazy idea we got to test a few months ago, Red Box has now equipped a handful of rooms with Nintendo Wii game consoles, putting a twist in the usual weekend barkada fun. If your clique’s not into singing hits and theme songs, you can choose to play Wii Sports instead and beat your friends at it. I had so much fun with Wii Sports Boxing that my arms and my back still hurt like hell. So much for exercise.

I only started taking photos until late into the party, but here are some of them while the whole set is in the gallery.

Red Box Wii Nights. [1]

Red Box Wii Nights. [2]

Red Box Wii Nights. [3]

Red Box Wii Nights. [4]

Red Box Wii Nights. [5]

Red Box Wii Nights. [6]

Red Box Wii Nights. [7]

4 Responses

  1. uy, not a bad idea.. it’s like when the nintendo family computer was being rented, ala-arcade when i was in elementary.. hehe.. wala bang guitar hero competition? 😀

  2. @hana Buti ka pa may GC, ako wala. 🙁

    @Raych Uy sori di ko alam, baka pareho lang ng videoke rates? I’ll try to ask. 😉

    @Rian Wala pa yatang guitar hero for now, pero sana soon lagyan nila. 😉

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