Photos taken around Greenhills. You can click on the image to view a larger copy, displayed in an inline lightbox.

Just more snaps from the Lumix LX3. This is now my everyday Lomo and B&W camera of sorts. A big cheat, I know. I like it because I can make it do almost anything I want when I’d rather not lug around a digital SLR and would rather snap and blog photos without any post–process work. Not that post–processing is a sin, because it’s not.
You know you want this too, Jayvee. 😉
lomo? 🙂
It’s a blasphemous statement, I know. Hehehe.
ang sipag mo magpost pag lumix photos ah! :p
Medyo lang pangga. 😀
crap! i’m sold. back to greenhills i shall go.
Buyin’ the LX3? 😉