Selling the Drama

Some things just don’t feel important enough until they’re gone. Or almost gone.

Recently, I wrote about how I just might lose my domain if not for some sort of a miracle. Thankfully, they do happen without much fanfare, sometimes.

I followed Jepoy’s advice suggesting that I get in touch with, the administrator for DotRegistrar, for whom Cheaper than Cheap Domains used to resell domains for. There is also a similar discussion that details this solution, another victim of’s negligence.

It took some time for to address my queries and I felt I was really losing the domain. After a while, I decided to resend my support request but this time using the email address in’s whois record. It worked. I finally had someone’s response with the verification details they needed. Finally last Saturday night, I renewed my

Thoughts of alternative domains, TLDs and 301 redirects haunted me for several weeks and I’m just glad I didn’t have to do any of them. It would’ve have been a mess, socially and financially. Though I still believe in small local web companies and startups, be aware of their background and service history. A little digging would help, before you actually need desperate help.

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