On the first of October…

I remember looking at you through the nursery window, overjoyed yet afraid of the overwhelming task of raising another boy in this ever-crazy world. I wondered how I’d want you to be both similar and different to your Kuya Mikku—and you gladly turned out that way.

You’re trying to grow up fast to catch up, even taking a shot at the toys and games your brother plays. But you also have a different approach to learning and physical growth—you quickly learn just by watching and emulating; you seem to like testing gravity and all the limits of physics.

It’s funny that I look at you through the lens of your kuya’s growth over the years, something your doctor wouldn’t be too happy to hear. You have some of your mom & dad’s best and worst qualities—like your kuya—but I’m certain you will be your own person, in your special way.

We have many stories to share with you, and milestones to conquer. But for now, just be our not-so-little baby for just a few more years.

By the way, this is what I wrote on my Instagram feed the day you were born:

Felipe Mari

This is Felipe Mari. He was born just today, but if he had his way, he would’ve been happily out of mommy’s tummy a month ago. He’s been eagerly waiting for this moment.

Like all of life’s beautiful milestones, the months leading up to today came with its own ups and downs. Hana had to be on bed rest for the past month and with that, more stress than I could hope for. Yet the sacrifice is insignificant compared to the joy you bring to us.

Kuya Mikku, Mama Hana and Dada Markku are so happy to have you. Welcome to the family, little one. This is us now, and as your kuya would say, four-gether!

And if you’re wondering about this place on the web you’re reading this on, this is your dad’s blog. Let’s get this thing running again.

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