I gotta write about Michael Jackson just because I used to do the “moonwalk” when I was a young kid. My mother tells me I had no qualms doing my MJ routine back then that it’s a mystery to her why I couldn’t even dance now. Yeah, I couldn’t remember the last time I danced.
I was awake throughout the live broadcast of his memorial on CNN last Wednesday morning and was moved by the stories and messages shared. Brooke Shield’s was especially touching, describing just how beautiful friendship can be even for the stars. Usher’s “Gone Too Soon” was perhaps the most beautiful performance, but nothing beats how heartfelt Jermaine’s (Michael’s brother, also part of the Jackson 5) rendition of Michael’s favorite “Smile.”
Many of us have taken Michael Jackson for granted especially in the last decade as he somehow transcended the strange to weird line, but you can’t deny the influence of his music. It’s sad to see an entertainment icon go.
I guess it would be nice to share with you a cover of “Man in the Mirror” my band recorded some years ago.
(Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the proper credit for the image I used. Please inform me if you happen to know the source so I can acknowledge them.)