Anne’s birthday



Anne & Markku

Anne & Markku

I spent Monday with Anne on her 23rd birthday, visiting her grandmother and spending lunch with family. We had a grand time just talking as we travelled, the first time I’ve taken public transport for long travels since my visit to Ilocos last year.

Special days shouldn’t pass by without great memories, so we went on an impromptu photo shoot just before dinner. I think the photos turned out quite good considering there was only one main light source. Or maybe the model was just simply beautiful. 🙂

Anne, your faith in God has taught me never to cease trusting Him, and your happy outlook has given me the eyes to see and appreciate the nice little things life has to offer. I wish you a successful future, one with bountiful blessings and continuous success, made even special by overflowing love from friends and family. I love you so much. Happy birthday! 🙂

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