wp-recent-links 2.0

The D60.

You’ve probably heard that WordPress 2.0 is just around the corner, or approximately 24 hours away. What better way to start WP 2.0 blogging but with the latest release of wp-recent-links! This version needs WP 2.0, but if you’re already running an RC then this plugin will be very useful. Grab it! Why? You can now display links inline with your posts like on this site, and more popularly, like Kottke.org. Remaindered links. Cool. 🙂

6 Responses

  1. Hi Markku,

    just installed the plugin on WP 2.0 and are trying to make it work with dynamic menu highligthing (as on your page), using conditional tags but can’t figure it out..

    my menu code looks like this (within a list)

    if (is_page('217')) echo ' class="marker"';
    elseif (is_archive()) echo ' class="marker"';

    etc.. the class=”marker” markes the list item, which I then style. is there any is_recent_links() or similar I can use to mark the menu when on a recent link archive page?

    great plugin / hack BTW! 🙂

  2. Hi, I am still having a problem with the add_magic_quotes function which doesn’t seem to be working and thus causes the plugin to break. (Invalid argument error)

  3. Vegard, sorry it took me this long to reply, it seems I’m not getting email notifications from my own blog. 🙁

    You can style a recent links page by inspecting the current URL used by the browser. But thanks for the idea, I might implement this to provide an easier method for styling a recent links page.

    Stephane, I’m not sure about the error you’re reporting, please email me with details if possible. 🙂

  4. http://casino303.multiply.com/journal/item/17/
  5. http://rebelpixel.com/archives/2006/01/20/wp-recent-links-201/

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