Smart WiFi/Bro problems

I’m supposed to write a lengthy entry on WordPress plugins and how they can greatly affect the blogging experience both for the authors and readers. Unfortunately, my Smart WiFi/Bro broadband connection just went kaput last Saturday afternoon and hasn’t been restored since then. No amount of calls to their support number combined repetitive troubleshooting helped; they were insistent on me fixing it on my own before they admit to a problem on their side.

It has been almost 48 hours and I’ve heard nothing positive from them, and I still don’t have a working connection.

Unfortunately, I’m no yugatech in influence that they’d install free Smart WiFi at my house so I could provide constructive feedback. No offense meant Abe, but it’s quite obvious that these people will only pay attention if you’re in a position to hurt them, or at least make them look bad. Think about it, they’re trying to kiss your ass just because you can make them look good. And you weren’t even a Smart WiFi/Smart Bro customer before their publicity stunt. Who knows, your installation could be on a special watch designed to elicit your positive praises.

With the way they handle their customers and provide a disservice, they possibly deserve a class action lawsuit. They’re irresponsible and too arrogant to even care.

To the bosses and the publicity people of Smart WiFi/Smart Bro, here’s some real feedback for you. Now do something about it.

175 Responses

  1. Good god, I know what you mean. I’m signed up (and stuck with for a year) with PLDT DSL and it, may I politely phrase, SUCKS EGGS. Well, I can’t complain much because my friends who have PLDT DSL have it worse (sometimes they’re connection is unavailable for 3-4 days, wtf). At most, I’ve been unable to connect for a day.

    But still. All they ever say when you call them up is that there’s a “server problem” and that they are “currently trying to fix it” and when asked when it’ll be fixed, they say that “as of now, we can’t say.” Excuses.

    And at the end of every month, you still see the same amount charged to you.

    What about all those days they didn’t provide a connection, hmm?

    I swear, it’s amazing that major Philippine companies can be so indescribably STUPID.

    /end rant.

    • Guy, gusto ku lng i share kung paanu aku napacancel yung contract ku with globe. This might work…. If you keep on experiencing the problem over and over again, keep on calling their hot lines, do this for at least 3 to 6 times. “Never get mad to the Call center Agent”. politely ask What can you do? Sounds Crazy?…. Now, This is to make some “record” with that company, that you have really experience a problem regarding their services…. you have no other way to document with that company that their is really a problem.” If they send a technical people para ayusin ang sira, let them do so.. It is important that this process are carried out. During the curse, Ping some sites and PrintScreen, paste it to word and put some dates then print this…. ie. “ping -t”(with-out the Quotation marks of course). Run some speed test at copy the link of the result. Read some blogs… To educate you that you are not alone with this problem and eventually magkaroon ka pa ng ideas on how to handle situations. now this is the most important part, compose a mail. Write your mind. Express why is it that you feel cheated with the services. Your proof should be ping from smart, Speedtest, and also sight that you have a dozen of complain calls to the center and still no favorable result. My case, I have ask globe that they should discontinue my plan899 since i am not benefited from it and that i feel cheated… Contract remains a contract if both part is getting their dues. Now, for your case, state that you have made all the effort to negotiate the problem and not to resort to cancellation of contract but since No action or no improvement, ask your company to downgrade-if slow connection only, or alternatives that the plan will not be canceled provided they will guarantee you. Go to their centers have your complain letter signed and received by front desk of customer relation officer. Ask politely when can you get results. Wait for the date mentioned and follow-up to the center. on the third time, if still no good result. compose a letter stating dissatisfaction and state that you no longer have interest on continuing the plan, that after all the efforts made, you were still ignored. gather your self. Return the modem to that center. don’t forget to copy the serial number of the modem, make a receiving copy. you must have a copy of every letters you send always have the signed and receive as stated above. It works for me. After what I have done… I never heard of Globe buzzing around anymore. Of course, other might have other ways but I have done things only the way the call center agent had told me to do…. See it a big help. Always be POLITE.

      Bluetwist here….. sorry mahaba. 1st tym ku mag post dito.

      • Oh, I forgot to mention…. I have not paid any single centavo with globe… Just may fare back and forth every time I follow-up. Just Remember that despite the contract, you still have the right to demand for service. We have customer protection. you just have to know it.

        Always…. Bluetwist

    • SMART needs a “reality check”. I have not had a connection more almost 8 months, and now they expect me to pay for a service I’m not getting – the nerve! Every time I call them I’m given the run around. And when they finally send someone over to check the connection – the tech couldn’t figure out also. So now they get these law firms to harass you to pay.

  2. Hmnn… I’ve been meaning to comment on SMART’s internet connection, publicity, and on giving free connection to yuga to “influence the Filipino bloggers” and I find it great that it’s not only me noticing SMART’s lousy PR move.

    I’ll actually be paying a connection that I am no longer using due to it’s very poor set-up and “server problems”

    SMART is still not listening to it’s subscriber, how about we google bomb about their poor service??? Now, that should be worth their attention. 10 bloggers active in google bombing SMART’s WIFI/BRO poor service should do the trick.

  3. you should have mentioned the exact number of calls you made, the length of each call and the number of minutes you were put on hold for each of those calls 😛 poor product poor service… oh well, i’m glad my laptop came with a modem hahaha

  4. masamang balita to.. aalis na sana ako sa destiny for smart bro kasi BUONG holy week wala silang service. no tv, no internet – what’s a guy like me to do?! but now i’m having serious doubts. thanks for the heads up. i knew there was a reason i keep coming back here :p

  5. Hello Guys,

    I am collecting information for Smart Wifi subscribers who want their connection terminated without the fees or extra charges.

    I posted it here and have had several people already signing up. If you want your connection to be terminated, just add your customer details there or email it to me.

    I am forwarding all legit complaints to “upper management”, so they could verify, escalate, give rebates or process termination requests.

    If some of you feel that I am in collusion with Smart Communications, I understand. However this arrangement does not mean I will stop blogging about Smart’s incompetence or shut down the dedicated blog at Smart Wifi Chronicles.


  6. hmmm…

    i think this post will turn up like the one over at yuga regarding smart wifi. rants all over the comments. hehe

    well, at least in the future, you may be offered a yugalicious connection. :p

  7. i don’t have smart bro but i do have a PLDT landline and DSL. i’ve had too many bad experiences with PLDT for both these products. i am just too quick to apply the same perception to smart bro. technical issues are forgivable but boy, their support service is the worst. their support processes are at best flaky, and their support phoneline is a mess – go try calling and you will see what i mean.

  8. Yuga, thanks for leaving a comment man, your help on this issue has surely benefitted many of us.

    To the others, I just have one advice: if you have other alternatives in your area, consider them before making a commitment with Smart WiFi/Smart Bro. A two-year contract for a non-existent service is no joke.

    From what I’ve heard, I’m actually getting better service than most of their subscribers, though that’s nothing to be happy about. If they’d just provide honest and reliable service then we’d all be happily browsing without complaints. 🙂

  10. I am so pissed off!!! alam nyo ba wala kaming connection for one month now, tumawag ako sa tech support and nag troubleshoot kami tapos walang nangyari, so the agent namely [name removed for privacy reasons -markku]
    asked me to wait for the second level support so i waited for almost 1 hour sa phone but no 2nd level suppor answr the call. He told me then, na tatawagan nila ako but i waited for a day and no one called. (this was my 3rd time na umasa sa kanilang call back kasi hindi nila maayos ang connection and they even promised to dispatch a technician to check our connection….pero promises is all i got!)…. Now tell me i’m i supposed to get mad about this service?…. kalma pa rin ako…. tumawag pa rin ako sa tech support… with no surprise yun pa rin ang nangyari….! so i told them i want to cancel the service for getting nothing from them but headache! So I went to their center and asked the customer service to cancel my account but she answered “I’m sorry mam you can’t cancel your account, you need to pay….bla bla bla!!!!!……” why the hell will i pay for the service that haven’t use and doesn’t give satisfaction at all! —-I am always a good customer to them no overdues or what so ever!….and i asked the customer service to check the case log on my account to give her a proof that i called tech support about my connection, and you know what, in their record…[name removed for privacy reasons -markku] the agent handled my tech support call, noted that i did not follow the troubleshooting and i refused to do it!….! the hell!

    therefore i conclude
    they are big liars and they deceive people!

    and the customer service agent mentioned about the due date and when i cheked my bill its not the duedate, the customer service agent told me its not the right due date….so why the hell will they put or sent the statement with a due date that is different from their system!…another LIE!

    SO if anyone is planning to get their service…. this is my advise…. think what you really want and what are your needs…. if you your looking for headache then Smart Wi-Fi is the internet service for you!…. if your looking for better tech support then Smart Wi-Fi tech support can give a better shit on you and if your looking for an excellent customer service then Smart Wi-Fi customer service can give you an excellent lies of all time!

    Here are some names that you need to watch out! —(This is SMART-WIFI Cebu)
    [name removed for privacy reasons -markku]
    [name removed for privacy reasons -markku]

    ( pwede naman akong hindi magalit basta humungi lang cla ng sorry about the service, pero instead of asking an apology, nakipag-gigilan pa cla sa akin! )

    Sana mapagtuunan ng pansin ito ng Company (Smart )…. their people can’t help them to give a better service to their customers…. I can understand naman na their are downtime sa service but I can’t just accept that this people are LIARS and they can’t even ask sorry for their lows!

    so instead maintindihan namin ang smart wi-fi… lalong kaming nagagalit and nanggigigil… because of those kind of people!

  11. Hello FRUSTRATED!, sorry I had to leave out the names of support people you’ve mentioned. I don’t think mentioning their names supports whatever cause we’re trying to emphasize or publicize.

  12. To people concerned about smart wifi services and improvement;

    I’m in the business of running call centers and being a subscriber to Smart Wifi just proves that they are just in the business of ripping people off. On the Grounds of Extortion, they have binded us to a minimum 1 year contract, and will not grant you any fee waivers or guarantees. They will bleed you dry month by month unless you take action!

    This is what i’ve been able to do so far…

    i’ve so far been able to evade my bills for 2 months because i hammer on their service personnel to fix it or i’m issuing a law suit. (Always use google when you can to figure out ways of using law terms to scare the hell out of their agents).

    Once they’re frazzled, always remember to cuss at them so that the call is escalated to a manager. (Now you’re actually talking to someone who can understand). Once in conversation with the manager, make sure you bring up these points;

    1. to be in business, one must provide customers with a satisfactory service, otherwise, the customer is entitled to have their money back or not be billed for the time the service was down. IF YOU ARE STILL BILLED A FULL MONTH, then that is already grounds for fraudulent and misleading activities that are clearly against the law.

    2. DEMAND A FULL REFUND BECAUSE YOU ARE ENTITLED TO IT! By law, if a service provider cannot guarantee you for the hours that you “PAY” for uptime, then they cannot hold you to a contract. This means, if they send a collection agency to submit a supoena you for non payment…. ITS PERFECTLY COOL! They violated their contract first.

    3. Create evidence! Just like what they do on CSI, its a crime if they can prove its a crime! Always take a snapshot of your connection status and try pinging the server to prove that THERE IS NO SERVICE! Another way of showing that is to use the CTRL+PrtScr (or Print screen) buttons. Then paste your screenshot to a paint brush image (now termed as evidence) showing the non responsiveness of their system. This way if the law asks you why you didn’t pay for their services you reply “What service are you talking about” Then show them the evidence. I guaranteee you’ll be smiling the whole time.

    Ever wonder what happened to Good ol’ Fiesta Carnival? It got moved (or lets face it, they CLOSED) becaue no customers would pay for rides on the rickety roller coaster. REMEMBER, any business would close shop if there are no customers!

    So want them to wake up to find out that they invested in creating a large debt? DON”T PAY YOUR BILL!

    This is the only way we can fight back for our rights as custoemers. We worked hard for that 998 pesos a month and although it may not seem much to some, that’s already a week’s supply of baby milk. I mean i could have used that money for better services!



    • SMART thinks they can just treat people like shit and expect them to just roll over. I’ve gone through 3 law firms trying to harass me into paying Php6k – no fucking way! I don’t have “sucker” written on my forehead. Pay for a service I never got ….stick it were the shine don’t shine.

  13. eto malupit! 2D na nga lng na online games nilalaro ko sa buhay ko since i quit RO tpos bwakanang ina d pa ma ka log in ng maayos. parang na22log lng! pag ka log in mo…. tadah!! server link disconnected! Sana ma bomba kau ng mga terrorist! mga paasa asa kau ! pWEh!!

  14. Fuck Smart Wifi. Technical services took 4 months to come to my house but Im contacting them since day 1. THey even want me to pay in advance! Well I applied for disconnection with waiver on pre-termination fee and so far. the disconnection and waiver has been approved. Im still waiting for the refund.


  16. Meridian (Smart) has been down for the last couple of hours. This is the second straight time in two freaking days. Pissing me off.

  17. sa totoo lang, yung 1st time try ko sa smart wi-fi ay napaka bilis ng connectionngayon naman ay pahina ng pahina ang speed connection
    /that really suck!/
    and i have to admit ang dami nilang problems sa connection especially during afternoon

  18. i applied for smart bro yesterday. they wanted me to pay P2000 immediately so that it will be installed within 7 days. i opt not to rush things and go with the usual process that is waiting and wait for advice for payment.

    thanks for the info.

  19. atras abante tuloy ako. i have a friend from smart and ask comment regarding their wifi service… huwag daw ako mag apply… maraming problema daw.

  20. mabuti nalang ako so far walang problem sa connection ko..mabilis parin…sana wag mag bago!!!!

  21. sana ayusin nila yung service nila sa ibang amin kasi mabilis naman up to 700kbps nga kami minsan 512 kbps kami lagi nawawalan din pero 5 minutes lang at di palagi..masarap sana ang wifi kasi mura kaso nakakaawa yung ibang hindi nakakaranas ng good service like us…………

  22. i agree with all of you. i have been using Smart Bro for two months and there was never a time that i was satisfied. i can definitely say that it is the worst internet service provider i have ever encountered. and to think that they are advertising it everywhere. i don’t know what’s up with them. maybe they are after the money only and are not focused on giving the subscribers the satisfaction we deserve. i don’t think if the management pays attention to the complaints of the people, i guess every body’s calling their tech support everyday to report the baaaaadddd connection. i hope they will do something about this ’cause this will really, really affect more their already bad reputation.

  23. smart bro really sucks in davao. download rate ranging from 2-6kbps…. very very very bad…. the bandwith is 80-120 kbps instead of 384kbps….. i want to disconnect my subscription…. S.O.S

  24. ako nga.. starting this month of july.. sira na ung smart bro ko.. tinatawag ko sa hotline.. ang sinasabi nila may technical problems daw na inaayos na ng mga sytems engineer nila.. naka ilang tawag ako nun.. tumagal ng 1 week na d naayos ung smart bro ko.. tapos nag ayos sia.. tapos bigla nanaman siang nawala.. up to this day wala pa dn sia.. sa mga taga smart dian.. gawin nio naman ang mga responsibilidad ninyo.. d namin pinupulot ang perang pambayad…

  25. tapos ang hirap pa disconnect ung smart bro.. dahil sa 1 yr contract na yan.. may contract ka nga pero d mo naman magamit net mo ng maayos.. ka2lad sa akin 1 month pa lang simula ikabit ung smart bro ko pero nakailang sira na ito.. tapos pag paddisconnect mo kelangan mo bayaran ung remaining months… susmaryosep.. 11 months pa babayadan ko hndi ko naman magagamit??? tang inang contrata yan..

  26. I have just called their customer service because I couldnt connect. Sabi, me problema daw sa meridian portal. tawag na lang daw uli ako pag wala pa rin. You know, the usual excuses. Nagulat ako na marami palang problema ang smart bro. ginoogle ko lang “smart bro problem”, heto na. sayang sana bago ko nag subscribe, naisip ko na gawin muna to. ang bilis nilang mag kabit, un pala to rip you off. tapos lakas loob nila mag offer ng “barangay bro”! Sistemang bulok naman oh! We should do something about this.

  27. Since July 24, 2006 I have not received any decent connection. It took me 2 days to connect to the Meridian Portal because I need to format my PC. Finally I got lucky and connected to the network.
    The speed was in dial-up mode, actually dial-up is much faster. I called the tech support and they say there is an on-going “system enhancement” or “technical activity”.

    Last August 7, I have noticed the base station here in Cavite seems to denying me my bandwidth. Whenever I start to download some files (50-400 MB), it will resume to the same slow, frustating connection. And I got tired of calling their tech support.

  28. im using the smart bro’s been 3 months starting using this.problem is that when its raining ive got no signal, cant conect the internet.cod u pls help me wat to do!

  29. Nakaka experience di ako ng bad service as in.
    like Very Slow Connection, nawawala lagi kapag 4:00pm onwards, tapos yung bill nila di maliwanag kasi minsan nagbabayad kami ng P3000 for 2 months daw eh nag bayad ng kami nung last. Magulo masyado sobra. ano bang mas maganda pa sa Smart Wifi? na P999 lang a month? yung talgang good service hindi service kuno.?

  30. bkit 3 computer na ayaw na gumana smart bro humihingi user name at password dalawa computer ano kaya problema non minsan mabagal ayaw connect yong dalawang computer

  31. i had same problem wid smart wifi it took 3 weeks b4 they resolved the problem on my connection they too didnot know that my antena is facing in thier old repeater which is now used by globe, too bad for thier tech support wheres the “tech” hehehe

  32. Hi! Nag subscribe ako sa smart wifi nung November2005, ayos naman ang connection, di nawawala pero talagang mabagal.

    Nung December2005, mas lalong umokey, bumilis yung connection, nakakapag download nga ko ng mga animé n movie.

    Nung 1st week ng January2006, bigla na lang nawala yung internet connection namin, wala kaming landline, wala ding may smart na celfone kaya sa landline ako tumawag. Yun nga, tumawag na ko tapos kelangan i troubleshoot. Kelangan din daw nasa harap ako ng PC, sabi ko “OK tatawag na lang ako ulit.”

    Punta agad ako sa pinakamalapit na tindahan ng SIM card, sakay ng tricycle tapos ng jeep, tapos bili ng SMART na SIM, tapos balik ulit sa bahay, sakay ng jeep tapos ng tricycle.

    Pagdating sa bahay, kinabit ko yung SMART na SIM sa cel ko tapos tumawag ako sa *1888, yun nag troubleshoot kami:
    Pina check kung may power yung unit. OK
    Pina check kung lahat ng cable ay nakonekta ng maayos. OK

    Hindi pa rin gumana, pero humirit pa yung kausap ko. Pinatanggal sakin yung cable. OK
    Pina restart yung PC. . OK
    Pinabalik ulit yung cable. OK
    Hindi pa rin gumana

    Sabi, gumawa daw siya ng report. Mag antay daw ako ng feedback within 24hrs

    After 24hrs. . .

    Wala ko na recieve na tawag sa kanila, tumawag ulit ako sa SMART. Hinold ako sa line, babasahin niya daw yung report. After 30 minutes, wala na pala yung kupal na kausap ko.
    tumawag ulit ako, hinold ulit ako, basa ng report tapos ang lintik na kausap ko troubleshooting na naman ang gusto. Sabi ko, “di ba pwedeng magpadala na lang kayo ng technician o kung ano pa man na titingin dito para mas mabilis maayos?” hindi daw pwede,kasi meron daw silang proseso na tinatawag. Kaya yun troubleshoot na naman.
    Wala na namang nangyari. Gawa ng report, antay ng feedback within 24 hrs.

    Hindi ko mabilang kung ilang daang beses ako tumawag sa SMART, nagsawa na lang ako, ayoko ng tumawag. May dumating na bill ng SMART, di ko na sana babayaran kaso ang kulit ng utol ko.binayaran ko na rin.

    Nung March, me dumating na mag aayos. Laking tuwa ko siyempre, puyatan na naman. Ang sabi nila, mali daw yung configuration ng antenna tsaka masyadong mababa yung antenna. Magbayad daw ako ng P200 para sa additional pole.

    Siyempre, deputa, nagbabayad ka ng bill mo sa SMART kahit di mo nagagamit tapos ngayon may pupuntang mag aayos na sisingilin ka pa ng P200. Ano sila hilo?!! di ko sila binayaran, nag reklamo pa ko, yung bubong kasi namin nabutas, hindi man lang tinapalan ng mga gagong nagkabit nung antenna. Yun nga lang di rin nila inayos yung problema ko sa connection.

    Simula non, hindi na ko tumawag sa SMART, di ko na rin binabayaran yung bill. Pero nung unang beses na makatanggap ako ng sulat galing sa abogado, taranta ako siyempre, first time eh, sugod agad ako sa pinaka malapit na wireless center.

    Pagdating ko dun, sabi used na daw yung account ko, paki settle na lang daw. Sinabi ko din yung problema ko sa Connection nila pati yung sulat galing dun sa abogado, disregard ko lang daw yun. Matapos yung mahabang usapan. binigyan ako ng SR#, itawag ko na lang daw ulit yun sa tech support nila

    Kinabukasan, tumawag ako. binigay ko yung SR# na binigay sakin sa wireless center. Sabi kelangan ko daw magbayad ng P988, tapos tawag daw ako sa billing para bigyan ako ng activation key. Binayaran ko yung P988, mas okay na yun kasi sa huling bill na dumating sakin nasa 2thou plus na.

    After 2 days, balik payphone ako, nawala celfone ko sa inuman, buti na lang SMART na SIM ang nandun, pero badtrip pa rin.

    Mas lalo akong nabadtrip, di daw ako pwede bgyan ng activation key kasi used na daw yung account ko, i-settle ko daw muna tapos meron na kong additional fee: collection fee tsaka penalty. Inis na inis ako sa mga lecheng kausap ko: sa wireless center pati yung gagang nagsabi na bayaran ko yung P988. Ginagawa akong gago.

    OK. dumating yung oras na talagang kelangan ko yung internet, dun na lang kasi kontak ko eh, badtrip naman yung pupunta pa ko sa computer shop. Pamasahe, yung rent sa PC, tapos yung pagtitiis sa mga batang ang sarap batukan sa ingay habang naglalaro. Tsaka wala kang privacy, tang ina ka chat ko nga gf ko, meron pang kupal na nagbabasa sa likod ko.

    Mid August, binayaran ko yung bill, tapos tumawag ako sa SMART, nagre request kung pwedeng magpadala sila ng mag aayos nung connection ko, hindi pa rin pwede kasi kelangan ko daw bayaran yung additional fee. Di ko na lang pinilit yung gusto ko, Pumunta na lang ako sa wireless center, bayad na naman.

    Nung tumawag ako sa SMART, akalain mo troubleshooting ulit. Bale 2x akong nag troubleshoot bago ko tinigilan yung SMART sa kakatawag. Nagsimula na naman kasi sila ng “wait lang po kayo ng feedback, within 24 hrs.”

    1st week ng September, nakatanggap ako ng tawag sa SMART. Naka schedule na daw ako, kinabukasan, yung pangalawang contractor na pumunta samin, andito na ulit. Pinalitan yung antenna, sira daw. Yung astig lang dun eh, yung dating P200 na tubo na ikakabit sana sa antenna nuon eh P300 na. Sabi ko nga P200 lang sinisingil nila nuon, pero pinagpipilitan nilang P300. Pumayag na ko para maayos na.

    Sa ngayon maayos na ulit tong connection namin, after 7 months naayos din. Yun nga lang mas mabagal na ngayon. Di na ko makapag download.

    OK, yan ang sakit ng ulo na binigay sakin ng SMART WiFi nuon, BRO na ngayon. . .

  33. Hala!!! Wahaha!! Ang dami palang problema ng smart ngayon. Mag-a-apply pa namn sna ako ng smart bro dahil gagamitin ko sa school.Ako pa nman magbabayad dahil kukunin ko sa allowance ko araw-araw.Hindi ako kakain para lang sa mabagal at minsan wala pang connection. Sa ibang dsl ba ganito rin ang mga problema? Sino may alam na maganda ang dsl saka mura.. meron bang hindi tataas 500 pesos. wawa naman kc ako eh.


  34. I just had my smartbro connected for almost a week now. but the problem is the connection max is 100+kbps according I was expecting at least 1/2 or more of the speed they’re advertising which is 384kbps.

    plus i always have frequent disconnection [roughy 8x per minute] “a network cable is unplugged.”

  35. Tang ina smart bro… pak u… (senxa sa words sobrang galit na ako) noong month ng augost nwala ako ng internet for one week.. ngaun for one month na.. wtf.. tumatawag ako araw araw sa support nla tae.. na memorize ko na troubleshooting nla.. tapos ngaung sept 26 2006 tumwag ako 9:30 am na tapos mga 10:30 am nakikinig ako sa may nag uusap yun pala yung naka usap ko sa fone naka upo lng kin kausap ang mga katabi nya. sinasabi “puta ito tiningnan ko records araw araw tumawag.” sabi ng isang lalaki “taas na proceso na yan… tatawagan ka uli nyan” at may babae nag add pa “sabihin mo nlng na pa monitor at tawag nlng uli” asar na ako.. d nla alam na maririnig ko boses nla.. nag tatawanan pa mga pota.. !!!!!!!! tang ina smart bro service…

  36. hello. comment na rin me as a smartbro subscriber.

    nakakagigil na nga tlga yang smart ngaun,nung una mganda,ang bilis tlga.ngaun lagi na lang akong disconnected.tapos one time di me nakapagbayad ng one month,aba pinutol pala yung connection ko di ko alam.two months na daw kc ung bill ko.alam ko kc one month lng ang bill ko kc nung nag apply ako eh promo nila,free daw ung one month,kaya di me nagbayad ng pangtwo month.aba hintay ako ng hintay na magkaconnection yun pala putol na linya ko.biro mo,inabot ng one month na wala akong connection pero pinabayad pa rin sa kin kahit pinutol nila yung connection ko. kasi kontrata daw yun kaya kailangang bayaran.yung promo nila na one month free ay after six months ko pa nakuha.

    ang gusto ko lang sanang sabihin sa tagasmart ayusin nman sana nila ang service nila dahil binabayaran naman natin sila.halos araw-araw na lang ay nadidisconnect ang iba like me,di magamit ng maayos ang service nila.

    thanx,khit paano nailabas ko rin gigil ko.hahaha


  37. waaaaahh! potek na smart to oh! mga bobo! panay yabang sa advertisement nila pero ang connection nila ang baho! mabuti pa nag dial-up nalang ako eh…. pinagya2bang nila 384 kbps ang broadband nila.. potek nung chineck ko connection ko 0.6 kbps tae di man lang umabot ng 1kbps…. PI talga… wtf…… halos makatulog na nga ako ka2hintay mag appear ng browser ko… partida google lang un…. grabe…. ah ah! smart bro!! ayusin nyo naman buhay nyo! sayang binabayad namin senyo… lahat ng asa costumer service are all sucks!…. f*ck sh*t kayong mga taga smart BOBO! …………………….;p

  38. Glad to know (or should I say sad to know =>), I’m not alone in this. I’m one hell of an addicted Flyffer and everyone knows how important it is to have agood connection for online games. There was a player there (PK server) who killed my character ’cause it can’t buff!!! HUHUUH! MY EXP POINTS! WAAAAAAAA!!! AMFUFU keo SMART BRO!!! I AM SOOOOO GOING TO CHANGE MY CONNECTION!!! GRRRR!!!

  39. Same here..i’m a RF online addict. I just transferred from taguig to dasmarinas. I got a smart bro connection just last week..and its a hell of a connection..:) dail-up connections are even faster..i chose smart bro because RF online connects fine in my previous apartment in taguig which also has a smart bro..

    i’m scheduled to go to smart center tomorrow..if they want war, i’ll give them a hell of a war..^^,

  40. Naku wag na kayo magpakabit ng SMARTBRO. Mga bloggers dyan, Web creators, Friendsters, IKALAT NYO SA BUONG PILIPINAS NA BULOK ANG Smart Bro(luk). Mag PLDT DSL na lang kayo or BAYANTEL. Sabi pinakamaganda Bayantel. Dito kasi sa antipolo pldt at smart lang.

  41. I play rfonline at least 3 hours a day. I just bought a new pc and I was thinking of subscribing to smart bro so I could play at home anytime I want. Dang.. I am soooo glad nakita ko tong thread na toh. I might as well look for other DSL providers. Smart stinks bigtime.. XD

  42. SMartbro is a big NO-no… weekends na nga lang ako makakagamit sa bahay.. hindi pa makakuha ng IP address.. lalo na sa gabi..

    collecting the necessary reports para mapadisconnect na ang smartbro..

  43. yellow
    Grabe ang smart bro sa pagkacurrpt kasi naniningil sila ng service na hindi mo naman nagagamit. may mga license kaya yung mga engr. nila kasi hindi nila natitriger yung problema sayang lang binibyad sa kanila mga yun. ang tatanga. alam ba ng may ari yun. mag papaonline pa naman school namin
    sige sana maligaya ang pasko nila

  44. i NOW HAVE Globe visibilty in Palawan which promised up to 1.4mbs.

    It does surf well and does stay connected BUT all at dial up speeds.

    NOW they tell me that nowhere in Palawan are any cell towers enables past the GPRS /Edge level.

    Now this is the Philippines and we are grateful for their efforts to connect us to the world BUT why do they lie when they sign you up.

    In fact the RAT should have been smelled when they cant even demo their own system in their own office here.

  45. This post is regarding some tips when enganged in a call with a Smart Broken’s tech supot.

    If an agent tells you to monitor your connection for the next 24 hours.. gawin nyo, pero wag nyo ibababa ang call, instead tell them to monitor your connection with you or don’t hangup until yong connection is back. hayaan nyo humaba ang ‘handling time’ nung tarantadong agent..trabaho nya ang at stake don. may ‘calls’ quota ang mga call center agents. You may do this on you cell na nakaplug sa wall outlet para continues ang charge ng batt.

    INSIST. kayo ang customer. sila ang nakikinabang sa perang binabayad nyo kaya karapatan nyo na magdemand ng mahusay na serbisyo.

    One more thing, if your connection cuts during night time or during weekend siguradong walang eng eng(engineer) na magaayos nung connection nyo. tulog yon o rest day nila. 8a-10p lang sila pumapasok kaya matulog na din lang kayo. Next day tumawag na lang ulit for rebates IF AND ONLY IF ayos na ang connection… but make sure to always CALL at the moment your connection cuts. this will be the starting point of the computation of your rebates 🙂

  46. I’ve read all the comments so far.

    ha, I am korean using sucking SMART BRO Service in Mactan, cebu.

    I really pissed off of their services and ignorant counselor.

    In korea, my average download speed was 1.2Mbytes per second.

    moreover I couldn’t imagine disconnection and lag.

    what if there’s problems about quality, people will not use that services.

    HOW FUCK they are.

  47. Hi again people.

    Just want to share my experience with SMART BRO(KEN) tech support.

    The other day, my internet connection was disconnected. Made contact with smart tech support group and they said the usual. “Monitor your connection for 24 hours.” I obliged knowing that it’s useless to argue with those morons.

    Then after a couple of hours connectioin resumed and I can no longer connect a host site using FTP(file transfer protocol). HTTP is working so browsing sites has no problems.. Called them again and what do you know.. the tech support agent instructed me to send an email via a popular webmail with a file attachment. This is to check FTP protocol according to their higher tech group. HAHAHA! ..FYI email attachments through webmail still use HTTP and not FTP. After all bullcrap yada yada, they gave me one of the worst things to say to a client.. SMART BRO TECH SUPPORT DOES NOT PROVIDE SUPPORT REGARDING ISSUES THAT COME WITH THEIR SERVICES LIKE FTP, SMTP, POP OR WHATEVER INTERNET SERVICE AS LONG AS YOU ARE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET AND CAN BROWSE SITES (Even if you can’t use your instant messengers, email programs or whatever because their system refuses access to those services) THEN THAT’S IT.

    For all people thinking of using Smart BRO(KEN).. Think a billion times. WORST AFTER SALES SERVICE. RIPS YOU BIG TIME!! Their agents knows noting about the internet as an infrastructure plus people their act like robots.(They bases their actions on pre-determined instructions).

  48. I had the same problem with my Smart Wi-Fi before.. the connection was too slow.. Unreliable service, it was always down during weekends.. e weekend lang nga ako s ahaus down pa!!!
    i decided to quit my subscription, last June 30, 2006. I settled all the amount that needs to be settled and paid advance and advised them to cut the service… 6 months after, I received a demand letter asking me to pay for a certain amount again!!! Damn service now they dont want to let me go!!! nakakinis and i have nowhere to go!!! kanino ba sila pwede ireklamo!!!

  49. I’m having a problem with my SMART BRO connection for almost a month now. I even uninstalled my Anti-Virus programs and re-installed my OS due to personal suspicions that my system might be infected with a virus, but still no changes. Then I discovered just this week that I’m not alone, most of my officemates that use SMART Bro are having the same problems. I can do all tasks with Gmail, browse everything in but f I try to access any other website, then there’s the problem. You’ll see the Title f the page when you access a site, but it just ends there because it’ll just display ‘Cannot find server’. I can access Yahoo and the search engine but if I click on a link of a Search Result, it won’t load `til it times out. Same thing happens whenever I try to access Yahoo Mail. I always pay my bills on time everytime because I am VERY satisfied with their service for the last 5 months (I signed up June 2006), then December came and the problems started. I suddenly feel like I don’t need to pay them, I feel I owe them nothing! I mean, why will I pay for services that aren’t rendered wholly in the first place? I’ve always had faith with them, but right now… Ugh. It will be my first time today that I’ll be visiting a SMART Wireless center, I hope they can provide me with answers…

  50. using smart bro for 4 months now, so far wala pa akong month na nakuhang good service. Mabagal, intermittent connection, no connection. Lahat na yata ng sakit nila naranasan ko na. Eto pa my internet was down for a month due to the super typhoon, when i called thier customer service for a rebate, di raw sila nagrerebate due to natural causes daw yun di raw nila kasalanan. Sabi ko naman oo nga di nyo kasalanan yung bagyo pero that does not mean na 1 month kayo bago magpadala ng technician dito to rehome my antenna to other working cellsite. Walang mabigay na reason yung agent, paulit ulit na sinasabi na due to natural causes blah blah meaning ayaw talaga nilang magrebate. Tawag uli ako to disconnect thier service only to find out that i have to pay the remaining months to my 1 year contract, so 1 year pa akong magtitiis. Until now ganon pa rin ang connection ko, naka 3 rehome na ako, 3 cellsites na nagagamit ko each one is worse than the last. Lalo na kung weekends kung saan lang talaga ako may freetime to play my online games, download speed is around 20kbs. Saan pa pwedeng magreklamo, panloloko nato how come they expect me to pay a non existing service. Ngayon dumating na naman ang bill ko from smart bro, parang ayaw ko ng bayaran, paying them is like being robbed with your own consent. May groups ba na pwedeng salihan paran icomplain tong smart bro nato, siguro if we all stand as one, makikinig tong smart bro nato. I just want to be disconnected para maka avail na ako ng magandang service.

  51. if you want to disconnect from smartbro and not pay the remaining balance, you have to document: 1) unresolved tech support calls 2) screenshots of ping tests, bandwidth tests… Ask them to disconnect the service and waive your remaining balance(disconnection charges).. hindi naman dapat binabayaran ang serbisyong non-existent. If they wont listen, it surely they won’t then you have to insist. copy furnish your correspondence to NTC too. basta importante evidence na mabagal at/o disconnected. (screenshots)


  53. radar ba kamo dude? anong radar ang pinagsasabi mo jan? cell site ang kelangan mo hindi radar.. i’m satisfied with my internet connection because of location. two cellsites are close to my house..

  54. smart bro user ako, sobrang bagal yng connection ko everyday, gusto ko na nga paputol eh. kso ndi pde kc 1 year contract. panu kng ndi ko bayaran intentionaly yng balances ko, pde nla ako kasuhan nun db? kso kng may proof talaga ako na mabagal yng connection nila, pde ko bng isubmit yun pra mputol ko na yng connection ko without paying the remaining balance?

  55. sobrang bad trip ako sa smartbro! grr! ikkwento ko sana experience ko kaya lang nung nabasa ko ibang comments sa taas yun na rin na experience ko e… hay naku.. ano ba pede gawin natin para mapilitan sila ayusin service nila?! since nagpa smartbro ako nde ko pa ata naranasan yung nsa advertisement nila na 349kbps! super bagal.. on and off and connection.. grrrrrrr talaga!

  56. Buti na lang nabasa ko itong blog na ito, kaaapprove pa lang sa fone ko ng Smartbro application ko! D ko na lang itutuloy! Sa grabe ng problems d2, nakakatakot tuloy magpakabit! Poor service na taliwas sa mga flyers and ads nila wtf!

  57. Ang bagal ng connection!! Every 30 minutes laging nadidisconnect ako. Tapos maghihintay ka ng 5-10 minutes tapos balik uli! D tuloy kami makalaro ng maayos! Bad Trip

  58. Magpapakabit na sana ako smart bro. Buti nabasa ko to. Try ko nalang PLDT dsl kahit mas mahal mukang mas ok pa. Hindi kasing grabe ng nababasa ko dito. Thanks sa mga nagpost at nalaman agad na bad service Smart Bro.

  59. Shiiit!! talaga napaka walang kwenta!!! taena lahat na ng kabulukan nasalo na nila!!! laging dc, walang net! mabagal net!! bulok na bulok talaga!!! F***

  60. For one week now, i have been experiencing connection problems. Every afternoon up to the evening, i can’t access the internet. Why is it that every morning lang ako nakakainternet? Sama ng service nila!

  61. Guys! This may be the reason why Smart is one of the top employers in the country. They suck you dry until you’ve no money left even for having a haircut. LOL! Hindi nga pero kawawa talaga tayong mga subscriberS!

  62. kakasubscribe ko lng ngayong march pero gusto ko nang ipacancel subcription ko pero pano ung 1 year contract ko sa kanila do i still need to pay yung natitirang months?

    problem ko is that during the day ambagal connections ko pa ibaiba kapag 12am-6am dun lng mabilis.. pero kahit bumibilis pag dating naman sa internet games(flyff/ran online/silkroad) palagi me dc at sobrang lag..

    pano po ba mag unsubscribe sa bwisit na smart bro(ken) n e2..

    what are the things i should do????

  63. Sa Smart wifi ko… super bagal mag download ng files…. Ang hirap ring makapasok sa Yahoo Mail…. doon sa yahoo, pwedeng yahoo server ang may problem eh… pero ambagal talaga mag download ng mga files. Ang nakakapagtaka rito, when u measure your speed, ang lalabas 300+ kbps, Speakeasy ang gamit ko.
    Mukhang controlado ng SMART ang transfer ng mga files at access sa ibang mga sites/ protocols ah! TULAD ng FTP !!!

  64. hay naku.. im a subscriber of smart bro… my connection speed is doing great.. 370kbps.. but the problem is my download speed is very slow.. i cant even download 455kb na file.. taena talaga to.. paano ba to? do i have to reset my connection oh ano?? help naman po..

  65. Betlog na smar bro n yan tagal ng connection ko laging log pag ngla2ru aq ng online games…..taeeeeeeee…smart bro ayusin nyo trabaho nyo syang lang bnabayaran namin….T_T
    Potaness…Smart brottttttttttttttttaaaaaeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

  66. thanks guys!!! as for now i can settle with my dial-up connection haha! btw, any feedbak about Globe’s latest broadband?

  67. “smart” bro nga d b?…..mga walang kwenta tlga…lipat n lng tau sa globelines mas matino….lang kwenta smart kht anong angulo tgnan nyo wala tlgang kakwnta2…..

  68. Sa lahat,

    After reading all your complaints/comments regarding the Smart terrible service, I am so glad that I did not fall to their trap when they offered that nice promo in our area. I used to have a dial-up connection through PT&P phone, but wasn’t satisfied due to slow connection and always got dc of the service due to phone cable thefts that made me decide to apply for Smart Bro. Luckily that same day, I read in the daily newspapers about the complaints of a writer regarding Smart connections. I realized that it would be a big mistake to continue my application if the writer himself experienced a lot of trouble that even affected his work.

    Good thing a day after, a guy appeared offering an internet-ready wi-fi MANGO unit (landline phone) from Digitil. I applied and been using it for 11 months now. Di man kasingbilis ang connection nito katulad ng sa pinapangako ng Smart subali’t 10x faster naman po ito kesa ordinary dial-up. 24 hours sure po itong magagamit kahit bumagyo man, yun nga lang pay per use ang charge nito.

    Nagpapasalamat ako ng marami sa inyong lahat sapagkat ang mga nabasa ko ngayon dito ay malaking epekto rin sa desisyon ko na magpakabit sana ng Smart Bro sa bubuksan kong internet cafe business. Sa problemang ito na inirereklamo nyo ay malamang na humina ang Smart lalo na kung wala silang binibigay na maayos na serbisyo. Sana lang di ako magkamali kung sakali man na PLDT my DSL or Globe DSL ako magpakabit para sa bubuksan kong negosyo.

    To SMART company, sana naman po huwag kayo mangangako ng magandang serbisyo kung di nyo naman matutupad. Yung 2 kong mga kapatid ay biktima rin po ng inyong panloloko! Makonsensya sana kayo at magbigay ng refund para sa mga panahon na wala kayong ibinigay na serbisyo. Could you imagine because of your terrible service all of us in the family have changed our Smart Sim Cards into Globe. Kasi, kahit dun nandadaya pa rin kayo, nauubos na lang basta2x ang load namin kahit di naman ginagamit.

    At present, internet almost become a necessity to every houselhold because you can do a lot of stuffs especially if you have relatives who are working abroad. Kaya sana pakiusap lang po sa Smart if you can’t provide good service to the people much better stop your service for the meantime and find solutions to the problems before you open your services again to the public. Kasi po, imbes makatulong sana kayo, e sakit sa bulsa at kalooban lang po ang idinudulot nyo sa mga subscribers. PASAWAY!!! Ganunpaman, goodluck sa business nyo at tanggalin nyo na po yung 12 months lock-in period dahil isang malaking panloloko sa mga consumers ang patuloy nyong pagbayarin sa isang serbisyong di gumagana o kung gumana man e walang kwenta.

  69. Mas swerte pa nga kau e, sakin 2 mnts na paputol putol ang connection (minsan wala pa ..!..). Butas butas na din ang bubong ko kakalipat nila ng antenna pinag bayad pa nila ako ng 450 adjust daw nila ung antenna, tapos un, BOOM! sira pa rin. salamat sa mga tga Smart BrOBO, d ko kau makakalimutan sa panloloko nyo samin.

  70. Hello. Akala ko ako lang may problema sa Smart BRo.
    Kasi db naglalaro ako ng online game na Ragnarok Online. Nagpakabit kame ung barangay bro kasi habol namin ung nakapaganda nila PC,amf sobrang ganda… anyways…ung first 2months ng subscription namin sa smart.. maganda ganda.. Parang DSL connection ung speed.. walang lag sa game ko.. pero habang patagal ng tagal.. napapansin ko.. bkt naglalagung game ko.. unti lang naman ung hardware and softwares na nakainstall sa pc.. then un nga.. dumating sa tym na super duper lag na ung connection.. meron tym na nagddisconnect.. sinasabi ko nga sa nanay ko ipadisconnect na ung connection namin and switch to globe broadband which I heard na mabilis daw comparing sa smartbro. Kainis kasi ung contract nila.. lanaman kwenta ung services.. ngaun.. lam nyo ba ung sa shop pag may nagdodownload ng programs or sa youtube? parang ganun ung connection ko ngaun . Please help me naman maghanap ng new ISP na maaasahan.. maganda po ba ung DSL ung as in DSL talaga.. pls help me.. here’s my emailadd.. po

  71. ei..ung sobrang gandang pc na nsa previous comment ko..kabaliktaran nun..un lang.. nid pa namin magpaupgrade like the videocard.. the ram..pero ganun pa rin xa kabagal.. akala ko magiimprove ung connection namin pag ginawa un pero nde pa rin..

  72. i am so pissed at smart bro … i used to be a subscriber of meridian before smart acquired them … my connection was ok until this year … almost 2 years being a subscriber and i dunno if it’s a good thing that i’ve only experienced problems now … but anyway, it still sucks … i get disconnected for 2 hrs, talk w/ the tech support for an hour and get a 24-hr promise EVERY CALL … how many 24 hrs do they need? … i need a good provider … i need your suggestions guys!

  73. just a follow-up on my last comment … smart called me up earlier to ask if my issue was resolved … since my connection was back, i said it was ok … well what do u know, a few hours ago, i got disconnected for a good 3 hrs! … and they want me to do the basic troubleshooting again … obviously i said no and told them to resolve my issue, else i’ll cancel my subscription … which i am already working on … so i still need suggestions … i’m in the pasig area

  74. Ako din parehoo experience with smart broloko,….imagine since may 21 til the end of the month,….no connection ako,….i call there maintenance support,…but guesss what,…halos makatulog ako sa kahihintay sa phone,……for an hour of waiting may sumagot din,….told me to do all the basic troubleshooting sabi nya,…la rin nangyari,….kc the problem is defective yong mga canope nila 2x ngang pinalitan canope ko,…but same thing madaling masira,…puro reset yata canope nila?,….kc mukhang luma na,….and the worse is, very slow,…bilis pa nga dial-up eh,….kaya sa mga gustong magpaloko,…..apply kayo smart bro,…para malaman nyo,… sa mga bagong naloko,…welcome to the club,……ayosin nyo naman serbisyo nyo smart bro,….buti pa kapag new connection,…bilis nila, install,…bilis din maningil ng aditional cost sa pole,….

  75. Hello… Im not using smart bro… But my classmate do… His pc broke down so i came to fix it… installing win xp sp2. then when its up and running i tried to connect it to the internet. Guess what! I cant connect. so i call their customer service. But nothing happens. After 3 days they finally answered. pero lahat ng pinapagawa nila sakin ay obvious nmn na dapat kong gawin… Hay anyways my classmate call them again and here their have to say… Sorry hindi po puwede sp2.. sp1 lng po dapat. kung gusto nyo lagyan namin ng sp1 for 3,000php. THE FUCK!!!! who do they think we are?… Mag pldt na lng kayo… Im not saying their the best but their customer service is BETTER than than Smart Wifi

  76. Smart bro can not access all internet website. I suspect because of unfair marketing. Certain Netblock address range owned by competing companies like PLDT DSL are blocked. Dis means, di mo ma access some local websites hosted by other big providers. Why will you subscribe to a company that controls what you surf ? I want to surf at a webpage hosted through a competitor’s IP address, but I can’t because smart bro has blocked the competition punishing in effect smart bro subscribers. Kaya yun, I moved to PLDT just because smart bro used unfair biz practices.

    Personally, I think this is a violation of our freedom to go to any site we want to. We are basically paying them to tell us where we can not go. Its unfair diba?

    PLDT also sucks, pero i’d rather stick to the lesser evil.

  77. anyway… read all the comments first before applying smartbro… or else u’ll regret it…

    in my experience(lvl 99) smart really is the top of all the top!
    1. Top sa LAG!
    2. Top sa Delay!
    3. Top sa NO GOOD Services!
    4. Top sa pag PAKO NG PANGAKO!

    if theres any atty. here that will read this forum… pls do help us… we are wasting tons of money for a year of contract full of promises… i did read the contract but a year of crappy connection… wtf are they thinkin!

    by the way… i dont really know if SMARTBRO is really a SMART SERVICE its a MEREDIAN something… ive heard it from the one who installed the canopy…

  78. bkit po ang bgal ng connection ngayon po?dati po 25.5kb per seconds ang pag download ko ngayon po ay 2.7kb per second bkit po ganon?




  80. grabe smartbro, nung 1st time maganda ang connections… pero pag tagal on and off ang connection…

    currently, as of this moment, on and off tlga connection ko… every 2 minutes on and off xa..


    ano ba mas maganda

    pldt DSL 999 or smart BRO?

    im thinking of switching to pldt DSL, pero parang ganun di ata..

    so tips please.

  81. i have been a subscriber on smart bro since January this year, and since the very first day it was installed i have never encountered a decent connection, my connection always timed-out, i have contacted their technical support and they promised to fixed it on their given schedule but most of the time they never came, and every time they went to check the connection, they can’t give me a proper or a credible answer, they are obviously giving stupid answer or solution.. like “videocard problem, onboard lancard .. etc” .. i have no idea whats the connection of my video card regarding my internet connection , i even installed a lancard just to make the technical support happy, even though i know that there is no problem with my onboard lancard …. stupid smart bro technical support .. are they thingking that they can fool their client by saying such stupid solution .. the reason i can’t even shift to another provider is that they won’t terminate my contract, up to now still my connection was worst than ever … their technical support can’t even provide me what supposed to be my upload and download stream speed is .. i am from angeles city, pampanga, one of their customer service even told me …”wala na kaming magagawa sa connection nyo” she is a customer service of SMART BRO located at SM CLARK … technical support are so arrogant and no nothing about customer service ..

    i hope other try to think many times before they end up with so many problems with smart bro … one of the worst decision to have

  82. hmmn, pwede bang baguhin yung color scheme nitong site? mahirap kasi basahin eh, dark yung background color tapos di masyado bright yung font color. yung monitor ko kasi binabawasan ko yung brightness and contrast para pag dating sa mga white backgrounds eh di masyadong masakit sa mata.

  83. BWAKANG INANG SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We have 2 subscription for SMART BRO meaning we are using 2 smart bro connection in our compound. My connection is not quite so good i got only 285kbps and the other one is almost 100kbps its just 2 times faster than the dial-up…

    My gosh my computer is always bugged down and i cant log in to my acct to report the said problems we have..

    Kung may ibang provider lang dito sa area namin..but no choice.. SANA man lang ayusin nila ng maayos ang kanilang service so that the people wouldnt change thier minds to subscribe in other IP.

    Wag kayong garapal sa taong bayan n subscriber ninyo..GIve your 100% pure and clean service para maging happy lahat. WAg kayong masyadong BUWAYA kasi ma overdue lang ng ilang araw putol kagad ang service niyo. DAPAT tignan muna ninyo ang inyong serbisyo sa taong bayan.


  84. buti na lng ala akung gnyan problem stick to SMARTBRO paden….

    hayz I LOVE U BABY KOH mwuah…

  86. OMFG
    kkbyad ko lng for Smart Bro

    sbi ko n eh
    pnu nung ngbbyad ako
    yung text confirmation 10 to 15 mins daw
    inabot n ng 1 hour wala p
    nugn bmlik me s front desk
    aba nmn
    down daw ang server
    pero i gave them a chance
    kc d rin mgnda mga nririnig ko s PLDT and Globe
    ampfness to the max

  87. sakin ok nmn… matagal na pero nasa 371 or above pa. i suggest na kung mag-aavail ka ng smartbro service make sure na kitang kita un smart site especially un red light which is the line of sight. kung wala talaga o masyadong malayo o ma-puno sa place nyo, make sure na sobrang taas ng pole or wag ka nlang magpakabit, mag pldt dsl nlng or any wired connections. tnx.

  88. eh kahit nga yung smart telcom eh napakapangit ng service, I lost my phone containing my smart post paid line mabuti na lang yung friend ko na smart na prepaid, i borrowed his phone to call customer service of smart para mainform yung pagkawala ng phone ko at alam nyo ba kung anong sinagot ng representative, dahil daw custmer service ng prepaid ang tinawagan ko di nila maa access ang aking line kaya dapat daw gamtin ko ang sim ko to call customer service para inform na nawala smart postpaid sim ko … napaka T….. tlga at i asked for a supervisor walang gustong kumuha at sa sobrang inis ko naghanap na lang ako phone na pede makatawag sa 1800 number nila….
    sobreang pangit service nila… ok parin ang GLOBE

  89. we did experience a hell of problems in smart wi-fi.. and lol … believe me.. everything is over once you start doing some lawsuits to them… ^_^

    anyways use the internet because “YOU NEED IT” … get PLDT instead… well.. mine is fast… no sh!t stuff…

    and Smart wifi is only good for people who are near the cell sites…and sometimes some people steal your connection in your area…. there are a lot of issues on that thing so its not really THAT advisable to do a “SMART” way for using internet…

    dont pay your bills and dont use your connection if you feel that other Dial-up cards are faster… also tell them that you would like to disconnect your wi-fi … make sure you confirmed them that you called them regarding this… make an evidence rather…

    then start not using that service… dont connect using your Wi-fi then maybe subscribe to a new plan from a different company…

    tell those “SMART” people that you dont really need thier services beause you have one already… and since they dont really offer that much of a service its just normal that you ask for disconnection and not use thier services… tell them that thier connection really sucks and stuff… because its true… if they ask for a lawsuit then jump them by saying “you will have to talk to your lawyer regarding this matter because thier services really is not well”

    then if they send some contractors to work up that connection then let them.. but if they said that because you have a problem with this and that then its not your fault and thats also one of the reasons why you want your connection to be disconnected… then if you recieve another call regarding this.. tell them that even thier contractors as having problems with your location etcetc… you dont need to pay such Damn extra bills to get thier services running because they are the one who should assure that in the first place…

    it will take much months and still dont pay your bill… tell them that your not ionterested with thier services already since you already haver a new one… tell them that you asked for a disconnection already before and they are the ones that are not complying.. that they even send some people that makes more problems etc… tell them you hate the services anymore and your not interested on the new features since you cant even use them in the first place…

    if they asked another contractor tell them that they already did and they just gave more problems… asked “name of the contractor” etc… then you get to see them firing people because of thier stupid services…

    if else maybe you can visit my website… its not Wi-Fi related but if you need to ask some help maybe i can give you some advice… my forum name there ius blood618^_^ … have fun and take it easy… if you know your correct then dont be scared on thier hell tactics… good luck to all..

  90. I’m so angry with smart that my head hurts. Crappy Service Since 2005. Guess what i’ve been dupped in paying the interest rates and legal fines kuno! So I paid it in full. Smartbro told me my account is already disconnected. after a few months another demand letter came to me demanding me to pay. WTF this is clearly extorsion. I just found out disconnection should be done over the counter, and because I failed to to this I was again billed for six months plus interest! Grabe! gusto ko umiyak sa sama ng loob! BOYCOTT SMART. HOY PRESIDENT GLORIA sana marinig mo to. Imbestigahan mo tong hayop na SMART /PDLT. Bunch of liars and conmen.

  91. putang ina tlga yang smart bro na yan, ang hirap hrap na nga tumwag sa customer service, pag nkausap mo na at “ininstruct” ka kung pano “ayusin” wala pa rin pag babago. Mga 5 mins after ko makausap ung cust service, balik sa pagkabulok ung connection……… PUTANGINA NYO SMART BRO!

  92. 3 months nako nagbabayad sa smartbro pero masama pa rin ang service.. madalas totally walang service.. sabi nila kelangan magbayad ng 2 months para macancel.. wala bang paraan para hindi na magbayad.. ginagatasan lang tayo ng smart.. ang sama talaga..

  93. Smart Bro’s Service is beyond description…

    We’ve a business account…. AND STILL SUCKS

    They managed to reconfigure the buildings router and all tenants were offline.
    The Tech Support wasted half my day running completely useless tests trying to proof that our LAN is the source of the problem. They can’t handle anything else than Windows and the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing…
    Offline for three days and the technician vanishes on the way to the appointment… waited for hours.
    Never experienced such a unprofessional company

    HANDS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  94. dito sa amin,,,we(subscribers) belong to a remote AP,,ibig sabihin,malayo kami sa base station(ap cluster),,so they put up a sm(which recieves the bandwith from the base station,about 10 kms away),,then feed it to an AP(accesspoint),,then in turn transmit it to the subscribers(about 40+ subscribers),,,,the problem is that the sm(canopy lite) on the tower is the same as the sm(canopy lite) of its subscribers which has a max throughput of only 1 mbps..500 downlink and 500 uplink…..ibig sabihin 500 kbps na downlink ang pinaghahatian namin mga subscribers…500/40=12.5 kbps…wow!!!!WE BEEN HAD!!!!

  95. PUTANG INA ANG SMART BRO! saying ang 999 ang binabayad ko! Palaging nawawala ang connection ko, pag tumawag ako sa *1888 mga init ulo at mga walang alam ang agent dun! Sabi nila within 48 hours mag technician na mag contact sa akin. Bakit hanggang ngaun wala pa rin dumadating! Switch na tayo sa globelines! PUTANG SMRT BRO TO!!!!

  96. last summer nagpakabet kame ng smart bro.. sa unah okei at least tuloy tuloy ung koneksyon.. okei na sana ung ganun.. pero ngaun habang tumatagal.. ndi na stable ung koneksyon pagsapit ng dilim … maaus naman ung koneksyon namin.. subalit pagsikat na haring arw.. ito ay unti unting nawawala ng parang isang bula.. subalit gayun paman.. kami ay taus pusong umaasa na sana sa lalung madaling panahon ay magawan ng aksyon ang suliraning ito.. lubos at tauspusong umaasa…ROBERT shaun LAWTOn..

  97. Today, I received a letter from a law Office based in Ermita asking me to pay an unsettled bill amounting to Php 4,364.13

    Heres what the letter say

    Our client, SMART BROADBAND… has referred to us for legal action your outstanding unpaid account in the principal amount of P4364.14 representing your latest bill.

    On account of the delay in the payment of your SMART BROADBAND account number *************, you will have to pay the stipulated twelve percent (12%) surcharge, and a collection fee equivalent to twenty-eight percent (28%) of the total amount due. Thus your obligations will be as follows:

    Principal: 2,360.20 (What the hell is principal?)
    Pre-Termination: 999.00 ( I didn’t ask for an early termination, I ask them to stop the service when the contract ends )
    Interest: 158.61 ( Do they have a savings account in me?)
    Collection Fee: 846.32

    Notwithstanding your knowledge of this unpaid account, you failed to settle your outstanding obligation to our client, hence, we serve you this FORMAL DEMAND to pay in the full amount of Php 4,364.13 within 3 days from your receipt hereof. Otherwise, we will be constrained to blacklist your name with the Credit Investigation Bureau Inc, (CIBI) and file appropriate action in court of Makati City to protect the interest of our client. If you intend to settle this obligation , you may pay at our office or get in touch with Ms. _____________or Mr. ___________ at Telephone numbers. _____________marami phone numbers_____________________ or pay directly to SMART’s wireless centers near your locality.

    Please give this matter your preferential attention…

    Has anyone have had received this letter and left it unsettled…
    I will be willing to settle this account with Smart but I need them to remove the fucking pre-termination fee and bull shit collection and interest…

    I called on the first week of Nov 2007 to let them know that I am not going to extend my subscription after the contract expires on Nov 28. ( I applied Nov-28-2006 , signed the contract and got the internet working all at the same day ). To my surprise, I can no longer surf the internet by Nov 21 and any website will redirect me to the SMart Portal saying my account is not active. Then I assume that its the end of my contract 1 week to early. I waited for the bill to settle it but to my surprise, it was something for 3,900+ ( i already lost that bill last december) and it included pre termination fee of 999 which is unfair as i didnt request for an early termination, i only told them to end service when contract ends.

    Next thing I’ll do tomorrow is to Call their incompetent agents in the customer service department and will request to send me another statement minus all those bullshit charges…Im only willing to pay what i used.

    btw, i now enjoy Digetel’s Broadband Service , For the same price of 999, you will get a 512kbps of speed plus unlimited Landline local use. So far it exceeded my expectations and I’m happy with it.

    • hi, nakulong po ba kayo? dahil sa hindi pagbabayad ng bill nyo? ano po ginawa nyo? nakareceive din kasi ako ng ltter like that..heheh..tnx po

  98. elo,, may nabalitaan naba kau na nakulong dhil sa hndi pagbabayad ng bill nila.. lam ko kasi under the law wlang tao na nakukulong sa utang.. may motor nga ako na kinuha sa financing almost 30,000 pa utang ko padala lng sila ng padala ng letter galing sa mga collecting agent nila kun ano ano supena na dumating sken at hearing sa barangay pero eto parin ako masaya na nkalaya.. i guess pananakot lng yan mga demand letter na yan para byaran mo ung utang mo sa knila… kaya ako ung smart bro ko pinatanagal ko na at sinisingil ako ng letcheng termination fee ekek nila.. bahala sila sa buhay nila hbulin nila ako…

  99. elo,, may nabalitaan naba kau na nakulong dhil sa hndi pagbabayad ng bill nila.. lam ko kasi under the law wlang tao na nakukulong sa utang.. may motor nga ako na kinuha sa financing almost 30,000 pa utang ko padala lng sila ng padala ng letter galing sa mga collecting agent nila kun ano ano supena na dumating sken at hearing sa barangay pero eto parin ako masaya na nkalaya.. i guess pananakot lng yan mga demand letter na yan para byaran mo ung utang mo sa knila… kaya ako ung smart bro ko pinatanagal ko na at sinisingil ako ng letcheng termination fee ekek nila.. bahala sila sa buhay nila hbulin nila ako…bahala sila sa buhay nila

  100. Im a smartBro user for a couple of months na, at first ok naman connection, den dis past few days putol-putol na connection ko, o d kaya superbagal, ikaw ba naman mgkaroon ng connection speed na 4kbps o 12kbps, ewan ko lang kung hndi uminit ulo mo, at mas lalo pang iinit ulo mo pag tumawag ka na sa *1888, GRABE!!! dapat naman maging professional cla, wag na nilang ipahalata na wala clang alam, Obvious kasi masyado.
    4 days nang ganito connection ko, swerte na lang kung aabot ng 30kbps speed ko….COMMENT ko lang, d ba may agency na nangangalaga sa kapakanan ng mga consumers?
    D ba dapat lang IREKLAMO yung mga Company na hindi naman binibigay yung dapat na ibigay sa mga consumers nila?
    Kung ano yung benibenta mong produkto na pinapakita mo gigawang example, e dapat ganun din ung ibigay mo sa mga consumers mo, o di kaya ung mas BETTER pa….
    Mabuhay kayong lahat… akin e komento ko lang.
    GOD BLESS…….tamaan sana ng kidlat mga taga smartbro na yan…hehehe

  101. Smart Bro? Okhei ang Smart bro kung alam mo isettings. Search mo sa google kung paano. Tatakbo yan ng 400kbps to 1.2mbps. At dapat malapit ka sa antennae transmitter nila. At alam mong ireconfigured ang DNS mo.

    Ngayon, kung napansin mong malayo ka sa transmitter nila better not to try.

  102. naku mukang nasabi na nla lahat ang mabaho at bulok na sistema ng smartgay.. No Coment nalng aku.. Sana my himala ang smartgay lord mada fucka.. eat shit keo smartbro..

  103. ang bagal na ng connection ko.. hanggang 5k lng minsan 0.5k, pnakamalala alang connection tas magbabayad ka pa ng montly bill e di mo nmn nagagamit ng maayos,,, di ko na maintndhan ang smartbro.. sana gawin nla ng maayos ang service nla kc bnabayaran naman namin cla.. ang hirap na nga ng buhay sasakay pa cla sa problema..

  104. ang contract ng smart bro ay parang isang scum ampness
    ganto d nila aayosin ang service nila pero ikw pa rin ang
    dapat ang magsusuffer pag umayaw ka na dapat na sa
    kanila nag kawalan dahil mawawalan cla ng costumer pero
    hindi dahil sa disconnection fee e bawing bawi cla at ang
    mga tao na nakakaexperience ng problema e magtitiis sa
    paghihintay na maayos ang connection hindi ba to malaking
    scum? oh pangigipit lang sa mga tao?? amfota d namin pinupulot
    pangbayad sa inyo!

  105. nung nagpakabit kami ng smart bro 1st week plang ehh paputol putol tawag ako ng tawag sa smart bro.. tapos lagi may pinapagawa sakin sa pc.. yung sa cmd tapos wala naman nangyayari.. tapos mag naka 5 na tawag ako dun tapos puro ganun gnagawa namin wala naman nangyayari.. kaya nung pang 6 na tawag ehh ang mama ko na ang tumawag kasi galit na galit na mama ko kawawa nga un sa customer support eh nasigawan tuloy sya ng mama ko… tapos kinabukasan ehh nag papunta ang smart bro ng tauhan nila sa bahay namin.. tapos pinalitan nila yung antenna tpos aun na hindi na paputol putol yung connection ko… cmula nun ayos na. di na mabagal ang net ko at di na din sya paputol putol

    Meron po ba sa inyo nakakaalam kung panu palitan ang IP address? kasi po na IP BANNED ako ehh dun sa nilalaro ko
    please help… e2 po email ko salamat

  106. hay, today I’m experiencing your problem, bagong install ang OS ko kaya imposible na may virus, I can’t surf sa mga certain website, for example, I use google to search for the solution for THIS problem, tapos yan na naglabas na ang results tapos nung icclick ko na ung isa sa mga link eh Server not Found, sa Yahoo! din ganun makikita mo nga ung home page kaso server not found ung mga article/link

    I’m using Mozilla Firefox as my browser, i know, I know, I also tried using IE but still it gives the same result hay email me na Lang kung may solution kayo sa problem ko

  107. I’m waiting for people to conduct a massive rally against this company, telling lies about this super duper speed they offer on this smart bro, di ako makapag games mabuti, akala tuloy quitter ako… Sayang tiwala namin sa inyo mga bwiset!!!!

  108. I got my SMART BRO connection for 10 months now, so far the service is good. My rooftop is under construction so i asked the workers to remove the antenna and place to a new location. Unluckily, after moving into several locations the internet did not work. So i told them to return it back to the original position and gladly the signal was back, but not as speedy as it used to be.

  109. hi guys and gals.

    i’ve been using smartbro for over 2 years now. a week ago, performance dropped considerably to the likes of 60kbps downloading and 30kbps uploading. wala akong ginalaw sa hardware ko. sabi ng tech support, wala daw problem sa base station. i climbed the roof (believe it or not) just to check if my antenna has a line of sight to the base station: no obstructions (i believe). HELP!!!

  110. PUTANG BULOK NA SMART NA YAN! ANG DAMI NILANG BATAS! kasagsagan ng bagyong Cosme dito sa lugar namin ng bumigay ang itinayong Smart BRO antenna sa bubong namin. Halus isang buwan kami nawalan ng kuryente. Sinubukan naming itayo ang Smart bro sa puno ng mangga,kasi di na namin sila maantay. Actually try lng naman,kasi balak ng tatay ko na i-dc n ang smart bro,kasi ayaw nya na sa bubong. So,after that tinawagan ko na ang *1888 pra pa-ayos na ang SB,dumating ang crew. Nakita nila na nasa punong manga ang SB. Tumawag sila sa bossing nila,pinaka-usap pa nga sa akin. Kesyo bawal daw sa puno ang SB,dahil nasa contract daw yun. Ampucha, ni wala nga akong nabasa na kontrata o ni papel na nakatago sa akin. Pinag-decide ako kung papatayo ba ulit sa bubong o hindi. Ok back to roof ulit.Kinabukasan ,dumating ang Crew ng umaga. Damn,kami pa dapat daw ang magbababa ng Sb sa puno ng manga. Hapon na namin na ibababa ng na-isuli ang hagdanan namin. How sad,nawalan ng kuryente ng bumuhos ang ulan. Matagal bago bumalik ang power. So nahulaan ko na, na bukas na magagawa ang antenna. (After 42 days) Kinabukasan ulit,dumating ng umaaga ang CREW. Sinimulan na nilang i-install ulit. Damn ulit! Sa amin pa kukunin ang wire na gagamitin.So napabili na lang ako,para maisa-ayos na. Punyeta talaga,Wire lang di pa mai-provide ng Smart. Ang laki ng kinikita nila,tas ganyan. Repair and Maintenance lang po yung akin. Hindi bagong apply. PASABUGIN NA LANG SANA NG NPA LAHAT NG CELLSITE. FACT SHEET!!!

  111. um, ok na connection ko, mabilis na uli. ala naman ako inayos so i guess d problem was on smart’s side. SMARTNABULOK, so sorry to hear your story.

  112. Ganyan tlaga.. pagmeryendahin nyo kz ung mga nagkakabit para di cla maasar… hehe… ako ang ganda ng connection ko ung download speed ko is about 50-60kbps.. sobrang bilis diba?? 4mins lng ung 20MB na File.. 6hrs lng ung 1GB na file.. hhehe.. dapat make sure na malapit kayo sa upgraded router nila para ok, ako malayo pa nga sa router eh, mga 2km away ako.. pero hardcore parin sa bilis.. wag nyo nang pilitin kung di kaya… sa shop nlng kyo maginternet…

  114. elow po.. 7months na po kmi my SmartBro Connection tapos eto po ginagamit ko pag naglalaro ng RFonline..then suddenly last July 31,2008 past 12am..bgla n lang akong na DC sa game.. kala ko DC lng tlga..tapos till now d pa rin ako mkapasok sa game.. then sa forums madami din nagrereklamo na d na sila mkapasok.. Smart Bro subscriber din sila..Does anyone have an idea pano ma solve problem namin? thanks in advance.. =)

  115. gago talaga ang smart, puro commercials na ke ganda daw… eto, naglipat lang lang ako ng pwesto ng pc using same router / hub pero di nako makapasok sa mga sites.. diko din ma i repair ang LAN connection flush error daw…

  116. I’m using Smartbro for more than a year. Actually, I’m not satisfied with the internet connection service. I’m always pissed of it. Just this afternoon, around 3 p.m. I checked my emails for business purposes. It was limited connectivity. I couldn’t reply immediately. Smartbro is easily interrupted with the weather. It was just a scattered rain and there was no connection at all. It sucks! I called *1888 for many times and they will just answer me the same thing, “Technical problem again and again.” They couldn’t accept the fact that there service is not that too strong compared to other internet companies. I hope Smartbro will upgrade there system. Even though you are giving the Quick Fix program, but then it’s not helping at all. I know you are only using famous actors and actresses to rip someone off. Keep your system satisfying! Don’t wait that all your subscribers will transfer to other company.

  117. Hay! Finally, nairaos ko na yung one year lock-in period ng smart bro. Just last month, I applied for permanent disconnection. On the same day kuno, tigil na ang aking internet connection but actually almost 2 months di ko na rin naman nagamit service simply because di maka connect as in ZERO. Pinagbayad pa pala ako during application for dc. Sabi ko “bakit” samantalang meron naman pre payment during application for connection, kesyo mare-refund naman daw after a month. Para matapos na lahat at wala ng che2x buriche dahil may appointment ako, i paid it. This month i went to the wireless center and applied for the refund. My goodness, balik daw ako after 20 days. Napakadali pumasok sa kanila ng pera subalit paglabas super tagal at daming ka ek2x kan. Ngayon masaya na uli ako balik sa DIGITEL WI-FI ang gamit ko. Medyo mahal kasi pay per use, but it’s better than SMART BRO, kasi now kahit bumabagyo nakaka connect ito plus makakatipid rin naman kung may diskarte ka sa paggamit. Sana naman magkaroon na kasi ng ibang lines dito ng masubukan rin.

  118. ay nko talgang sira tlga… siguro its almost 3months na ON/OFF ung connection nila…. and even if u address ur concern to their costumer service hotline…. it seems they wont even notice it… walang ginagawa para i retain ang mga subscribers nila…. i just subscribed with PLDT DSL. hope its much better.

  119. pano kaya un noh? porket stuck ka sa contract papanakot nila un sau? what about costumer satisfaction? dba? isumbong na yan sa IMBESTIGADOR!!!!!! SMART BRO… A BIG SCAM!

  120. grabenatoh korek ka dian. Kawawa lang mga customers at kailangan talagang tapusin yung one year lock-in period. Para bang na trap tayo sa isang bagay, gustuhin man o ayaw ay kailangan mong pagtiisan ang service nila. I got my refund already and i couldn’t believe because it wasn’t the same amount as i had expected. Ma KARMA sana yang SMARTBRO company! Sobrang panloloko ang ginagawa nila sa mga subscribers. Sana tamaan sila ng kidlat…BWISIT!!!

  121. nakakainis naman ng smart bro na yan.. still the same?? but i’m lucky di nko subscriber.

    tinerminate ko yung account ko dahil bad service, wala kaming connection for DAYYSSSS, at intermittent connections.. kailangan daw e-full payment daw dahil sa lock-in, at kailangan mag advance payment para ma terminate yung account ko.. kasi advance daw yung billing statement, at bibigyan daw nila ako ng refund. nagbayad naman ako para clean slate yung account ko, hanggang ngayun wala pang refund.. smartbro, ibalik na yung pera ko!!!!

    pinagbabayad ako ng advance monthly payment, na hindi ko naman ginamit!! that’s unfair!

    kaya kaau, payo ko sa inyo, HUWAG KAYONG MAGBAYAD NG ADVANCE PAYMENT PAG MAGPATERMINATE KAYO. ibubulsa lng yung money nyo.. at baka hindi kayo nag-iisa.. baka madami pa jan na nabulsa yung money katulod ko. unfortunately, VICTIM!!!

    kapag sila ang maningil, ina apura ka,
    kapag ang customer ay maniningil, kinalimutan lang… bad service pa! ano ba yan! gahaman ng salapi! di naman tamang business yan…

    ewan ko ba yung customer service rep nila ang tanga2x din, hindi marunog mag-count.. tinawag pa yung manager para mag accounting kami… tinawag nga na “customer service rep” pra sa customer’s welfare, eh baliktad yata, hindi pa marunong magcount! hindi lng yung rep pati yung manager! natagalan para mag count. ayaw ibigay yung pera ko!

    binigyan pa ako nang bill after a month, ano ba yan! wala na nga akong connection eh, hindi ko pa nagamit yung service 1 month before and after the lock up. at naka file na ako sa papers, as in wala na talaga.. CHEATERS talaga!!! and DECEITFUL! walang customer’s welfare…

    pabalik balik ako dun, dahil may rights ako as a consumer pero napagod na lng ako pabalik balik kasi wlang nangyari.. hanggang ngayun wala REFUND. sana makikinig si Justice, sana maKARMA. ibalik nyo na ang pera ng mga tao…

  122. Hi All!

    If you’re tired of all the BS smart-wifi has put you through here’s the process on how to go about exercising your consumer rights!

    Step 1: Have that Antenna Removed and bring all the necessary components back to a Smart Communications branch and have them claim the equipment and make sure you get the claim receipt!

    Step 2: If their collection agency calls you to collect just tell them, you had the antenna removed because of lack or loss of service on a pre-paid arrangement.

    Step 3: make sure you keep all of your bills! As annoying as it is, you need that as proof that they kept billing you even if there was no service at all (despite their contract/lock-in, if their equipment is not on the premises, you’re not a subscriber!).

    Step 4: Make sure you have records on their system that you’re a complaining customer. If you have a registered complaint, then by the court of law they didn’t do anything to correct their service agreement therefore not protecting the consumer’s rights.

    REMEMBER THIS EVERYONE! We have consumer rights. If a product or service is not up to Par, then STOP PAYING FOR IT. They made you sign a lock in contract to dupe you. But what they don’t realize is that we can use it against them as Duplicitous Services on their part. THE CONSUMER WILL ALWAYS WIN IN THE COURT OF LAW! And BTW, did they ever subpoena anyone? Of course not! Why? It costs money to take you to court. All they can do is have some chop shop call center bug you to make threats. And if they step onto your property just make sure you warn them “If you trespass, i have legal rights to shoot you!”


  123. hergee, kaya mo yan nasabi dahil di pa dumarating ang problema sa iyo and i hope na huwag naman sana. Noong una, ganyan din ang naisip ko bakit kaya ang daming complaint samantalang okay naman ang service ko. Hanggang dumating sa punto na nagloko na rin ang sa akin, as in talagang walang service. I wish lang ayusin na ng SMARTBRO ang service nila kasi bayad ng bayad ang subscribers sa walang kwentang serbisyo nila.


    “Good Morning., regarding your Smart brodband acct. In our desire to spare you the embarrassment & inconvenience arising from litigatio, we give you a last chance to settle your acct. out of court by paying it to Smart Wireles Center withing 24hours. If we do not hear from you within said period we will interpret your silence as an express admission of civil and criminal liability. In such an event, we have no other recourse than to utilize this admission as evidence in court in an action to be instituted against you for the protection of our client. Atty. Sillano”

    unang una, wala akong pinirmahan na contrata! yung bugok na agent dun sa mall ininganyo ako mag pakabit ng smart bro kasi mabilis daw at affordable, d daw mahirap ang application kasi kunin nya lang pangalan ko, cellphone number at address 1 hour after may msg ako matanggap at may number na gagamitin pa pag bayad sa smart wireless. after an hour may natanggap ako at nagbayad ako, binigyan ako resibo at sabi 2 days after kakabitan na ako. tapos 5 months akong nag titiis sa napakabagaaaaal na connection. plus after ng last bayad ko indi na bumalik ang connection, dko na rin na asikaso kasi na bz ako nun, 3 weeks ko pa iniintay kung babalik ba o indi ang connection pero wala tlga, bago ako nag decide na d na ituloy ang pagbayad, kasi lugi na ako sa kanila.

    meron ba dito with the same situation? ano ginawa nyo?

  125. read my post a couple above yours dude. I had that same problem before but i used the legal system on them as well.

  126. peste tlaga itong smart brodband lagi nlng log khit core 2duo ang pc ko ang lakas padin ng buffering hindi n nakakatuwa pwede bang ayusin nyo nman ang serbislo nyo sa mga empleyado ng smartbro at ska yng mga sub. contractor nyo wla s ayos ang serbisyo dito ito s buong bulacan

  127. @ALDRIN: empleyado k pla ng smartbro?? @_@ at LOG? baka mean mo LAG.. no offense pero natatawa ako sa comment mo lol

  129. Here i am again! Silip lang me basa2x latest problems sa Smart Bro connection. I used to be a subscriber when i decided to end the misery. Tinapos ko naman ang contract na 12 month lock-in period considering na yung last 3 months wala na akong gamit as in ZERO wala ng service di gumagana. As of now, mag iisang buwan na akong gumagamit ng Globebroadband P995 lang monthly at walng installation fee, wala ring antenna na ikinakabit. Nung nagpunta dito yung contractor naka single motorbike, taka nga ako kasi bakit walng dala na kung anu-ano, yun pala dala nya lang ay modem na ikinabit sa PC ko, wala pang 30 minutes okay na ang connection. Mabilis naman at ang importante di nawawalan sa oras na kailangan. Kung sana kasi nuon pa nagkaroon na nito dito, di ko na sana na try yang SMARTBRO, DIGITEL WI-FI (na inaabot ng P3K kada buwan bill ko, pay per use kasi) di sana dami ko pa nasave na pera.

    Mga folks, change na kayo sa Globebroadbrand kung meron na rin lang sa area nyo. Naka inquire din pala ako sa Sun Broadband mura kung sa mura ang monthly nila but the problem is 24 month ang lock-in period. Meron silang 12 month pero babayaran naman yung modem ng almost P2K. So, i think mas okay pa rin ang Globe. Sa smart naman di na nagbago service dito sa area namin (Taytay), for sure bago matapos ang taon magsisilipatan na lahat ng subscriber sa Globebroadband.

  130. Here i am again! Silip lang me basa2x latest problems sa Smart Bro connection. I used to be a subscriber when i decided to end the misery. Tinapos ko naman ang contract na 12 months lock-in period considering na yung last 3 months wala na akong gamit as in ZERO wala ng service di gumagana. As of now, mag iisang buwan na akong gumagamit ng Globebroadband P995 lang monthly at walng installation fee, wala ring antenna na ikinakabit. Nung nagpunta dito yung contractor naka single motorbike, taka nga ako kasi bakit walng dala na kung anu-ano, yun pala dala nya lang ay modem na ikinabit sa PC ko, wala pang 30 minutes okay na ang connection. Mabilis naman at ang importante di nawawalan sa oras na kailangan. Kung sana kasi nuon pa nagkaroon na nito dito, di ko na sana na try yang SMARTBRO, DIGITEL WI-FI (na inaabot ng P3K kada buwan bill ko, pay per use kasi) di sana dami ko pa nasave na pera.

    Mga folks, change na kayo sa Globebroadbrand kung meron na rin lang sa area nyo. Naka inquire din pala ako sa Sun Broadband mura kung sa mura ang monthly nila but the problem is 24 month ang lock-in period. Meron silang 12 month pero babayaran naman yung modem ng almost P2K. So, i think mas okay pa rin ang Globe. Sa smart naman di na nagbago service dito sa area namin (Taytay), for sure bago matapos ang taon magsisilipatan na lahat ng subscriber sa Globebroadband.

  131. here’s whats worse, i had an experience with them for 6 long months, the technicians came numerous times to fix the service, but alas i was never solved, and yet they demand me to pay the balance thru their mailed letters with a lawyer attached to it… crap… service…

  132. Smart Bro-ken talaga. Balita ko nga maganda yung sa Globe. Sana available na sa area namin.

  133. Almost 2 months na ngayon ang Globe Broadband ko. One day nawalan ng internet service and i immediately reported it to the Globe Center. Binigyan ako ng sched for technical service to check within 2 days. Wala pang 24 hours dumating na dito sa bahay ang 2 guys for repair kaso wala na rin silang ginawa kasi na solve ko na yung problem gabi pa. I called the toll-free hotline na di macontact pag sa umaga (dami yata callers) kaya almost midnight ko nakausap operator who told me to re start the Modem. Yun lang wala pang 5 minutes okay na internet.

    One thing i proved, okay ang technical support nila di tulad sa SMARTBRO ang daming “ek-ek”. I remember pa nung nag complain ako nuon sabi may babayaran daw ako which i thought was unfair. Kasi wala naman akong ginawa kusa lang di na gumana antenna nila. Hay naku! change na kayo sa Globe Broadband, affordable, less hassle, and most important ay lagi kayong may gamit sa internet 24 hours a day, maaasahan at mabilis pa. Lagi na akong nakakapanood ngayon ng news videos kasi mabilis.

  134. Pfeilspitz, inquire mo sa Globe (02-9198888 toll-free if Globe handyphone gamit mo) kung available na nga sa area nyo service nila. Para kung wala pa, marecord nila na merong mga interesado. Pag dumami kayo na nakalista sa interesado mabilis magkakaroon na rin dian. Kasi ganun ginawa namin dito nuon tawag kami ng tawag pati mga friends ko. Tapos may nagpunta dito sa amin nag survey. Wala pang 5 months may nag-ikot ng agents nag aalok kung sino gusto pakabit, guess what may libre pang cellphone.

  135. Smartbro POOR Service

    redundancy masyado. but all im asking is the supervisor where i can relay my concern with assurance thoguh i knew na slow

    moving naman ang service nyo. That rep told me that wait for a while and he will transfer me to the supervisor. 10 mins

    after, he said that supervisor is unavailable. sa sobrang sakit na ng tenga ko sa kakatawag sa Nonsense CS nyo nag ask ako ng

    call back. 5pm kahapon din, tumawag uli ako kasi ung call back na hinihintay ko eh wala pa, sinabi ng rep na nakausap ko for

    th 4th CS nonsense time. sinabi nya sa akin na 5:30 pa raw available ang SUPERVISOR (which if I only knew nagtsitsismisan

    yung mga yun). sige sabi ko asahan ko ang tawag ng sup nyo dahil talagang inis na ako sa service nyo. 5:30 tumawag ang nag

    pakilalang SUPERVISOR na si James Calaquiao (not sure of exact surname).At ayon sa pananalita ng sup na ito na sa una pa lang

    naming pag uusap eh mukha syang hindi supervisor. Unlike those previous supervisor na nakausap ko (way back mids of march)

    na kahit madaling araw ay tinatawagan ako for the update. As usaul sa pag uusap namin nitong sup na ito eh hiningi nya ang

    mga details uli at connections status ko at ibinigay ko naman. 3 times speed meter result at kung ano ano pang kailangan nya.

    nag patry sya na gamitin ang net sa ibang pc which i also did it sa desktop. pero ganun pa rin ang result tulad nung sa

    laptop ko. Nakakinis kausap ito. sa tagal naming nag usap unresolve ang concern ko at ipinagdidiininang okay daw ang

    connection ko. Grabe talaga pag Customer ka lang Ginagawa kang tanga nga ilang mga tanga. Sa sobrang gali ko kasi kahit na

    anong paliwanag ko sa sup na ito eh ganun pa rin ang sagot nya na okay naman po net nyo ehhhh. Ay nakuuu. wala rimng nagawa

    itong nagmamagaling na si supo james na ito. service not being provided for his customer but he insist of what he is

    believing about instead. grabe ka sup. nagmakaawa ako na ayusin aksi matatangal ako sa work pag di ito nagawa ung report ko.

    nag sorry ulit sya, at sa tinging ba nya may magagawa sorry nya, the network promise to give customer at least up to 386kbps

    which infact eversince hindi man lang tumaas kahit 250 kbps man lang at ngaun may 13.10kbps pa…. I asked the sup to let the

    support team inspect the location para malaman nila ang result at mga problem nung internet na ito. Low Service talaga. Alam

    mo kung ano nireply nga sup na ito. Ay,, sir hindi po pwede sa filed visit yan kasi okay nama po connection nyo…bakit ganun

    ang reason out nya, at bakit ung service is ganito? Sir di po maganda yan,… ipinadiinan nya na hindi talaga pwede

    puntahan… nagalit ako sa kanya at sinabing bakit hindi eh kami itong napeperwisyo ng service nyo, sinubukan ko 2 pc na pero

    ganun pa rin speed mababa pa sa dial up….nag pumilit ako na papuntahan ang tech sroup para na rin sila mismo ang makakita

    ng dahilan ng connection ko. Why this kind of people saying that the service is okay, but on our end, even we are trying to

    connect their deviuce in different pc the result is still slow and yet they are saying that service is okay. how are they be

    able to see the exact problem if them, themselves trying to deny what their customer wants, in the first place we are

    customer who they need to give full service. ginagawa ba nila ito for the service talaga or they are trying to hide

    something? Sinabi ko an puntahan pero ayaw nya.. tama ba yun, kahit na nagpupumilit ako, at sinabi nya na titignan daw po

    kung pwede sa field visit, kasi okay naman connection nyo… sabi ko wag tignan gawin nila na pumunta dito. mga walang

    hiya,,,talaga itong mga ito… palibhasa sila may mga given service din ng pinagtratrabahuhan nila ay sila mismo nakakrequest

    ng ganito kasi accessible na sa kanila ung mga support team nila. if they were in our situition, arent they feel this way?

    natapos ang usapan namin na walang nagyari kundi sinabi nya lang sa akin na itry na puntahan.. wala akong nagawa.. mahina

    naman talaga, aside from the manning service pati na rin s tech service and device ganun din.,.. sinabi nya na try nya gawan

    ng paraan kung mapuntahan… hayyy useless araw ko, nasira ng mga walang kwentang tao… paano ung report ko for work…..

    Ngayong umaga 10.00am ulit tumawag ako sa CS na naman at ibinigay ko ref #, name at report number.. di na nakuha name ng

    babae at ayon, nakita nya file ko, you know what kung ano ulity sinabi… sa report daw nila is, HINDI DAW PWEDE PUNTAHAN

    KASI OK NAMAN PO SA CONNECTION NYO NO ERROR PO…. ganunnnnn…. what is that damn service… kunbg mayaman lang ako apply

    uli ako ng GLOBE, BAYANTEL O SUN na lang para at least malaman ko who deserve top have the better service… Itong nakausap

    ko na babae sabi nya na sir di po mavivisit kasi okay naman sa base station namin.. Paano na po ito…. Smart Tel is really

    anoying.. If you guys can read this post please read it carefully and tell me where did i go wrong para sabihin nila na hindi

    pwede puntahan ito… Kayo naman taga smart.. lalo na sa mga mababait na SUP nyo dyan, ill give you credit kung magagawa o

    mapupuntahan pa ba itong net ko. Paki tignan na rin itong mga attachment para ireview nyo kung saan ako mali, at lahat nga

    kailangan nyo na report eto na.. siguro masitisfied na kayo para puntahan to dito.. Plss puntahan nyo naman ito plsss po..

    lahat ng details sa pc ko eto na sa. hanngang ngayon mababa pa rin connection ko.. plsss. updated po yang speedmeter result

    na yan.. so siguro may idea na kau.. kasama rin iba details… plsss po plsss.. patulong o puntahan ito.

    • They don’t want to admit any fault in their part kasi ayaw nila magbigay ng grounds for us customers to demand for a rebate…. ang masakit dito is yun lock in period, kaya kampante sila na kahit walang kwenta ang service nila hindi ka makakalipat…

  136. Hey pals, wala na akong Smartbro connection but i just want to share to all of you that i’ve been using Globe Broadband for 5 months now since pina dc ko yung dating Smartbro na walang kakwenta-kwenta. As of now, haping-hapi talaga ako dahil anytime of the day nakakapanood ako ng videos at wala naman ng naging problem so far. Kaya payo ko sa inyo folks, change na din kayo para naman sulit ang ibinabayad nyo. Nakkainit kasi sa bulsa at ulo kung patuloy kayong mag Smartbro samantalang meron namang ibang options.

    Yung connection ko nga pala ay walang antenna na nakakabit sa bubong, modem lang na very handy. Yung kapitbahay ko na mababa yung haus nilagyan sya ng outdoor antenna, okay din naman daw ang service nakakapanod sa UTUBE. Kagandahan pa nito mabilis mag download ng attachments at mag upload ng photos. Mabuti na lamang at may kakumpetensya ang Smart kundi ang swerte naman nila kumikita sa serbisyong di ini improve. I heard that Globe TATTOO is also good yun nga lang pay per use, pero okay na rin as long as mabilis naman ang service. Yung service ko ngayon ay P999 lang per month unlimited use at sulit na sulit talaga ang bawat sentimong binabayaran ko.

    CHANGE NA RIN KAYO…di ako employee ng Globe, pero this is my way of saying thank you ng marami sa service nila dahil sa magandang service nila dumami ang swerteng dumating sa buhay ko. Plus, di ko na kailangang gumastos sa call through CP abroad dahil pag gamit ko ang CALL sa YM sabi ng mga nakakausap ko daig pa daw ang linaw ng tawag sa CP…libre na unlimited pa… o di ba, oks na oks! 😉

    • anesno, san po location nyo? im from dasmarinas cavite. kung maganda globe sa dasma, un na rin kunin ko. 😀 sayang wala pang sun cell dito, mas mura sana un and i heard it has the best service compared to other internet provider.

  137. Sa Taytay, Rizal ako yna. Up to now okay ang globe broadband ko. Nagpakabit sis ko ng internet nya globe broadband din mas mabilis pa kesa sa akin. Iba yung sa kanya mas latest yata na modem kasi mas maliit compare sa akin tapos nilagyan sya ng outdoor antenna na maliit din.

    Nawalan kami ng elec. for 1 week dito dahil sa typhoon “ondoy”. Pero sa ngayon nagagamit ko na uli at tulad ng dati okay pa rin ang serbisyo. May back up ako sa notebook yung globe broadband tattoo…kasi pag brownout battery ng notebook ang gamit ko tulad ngayon na my power interruption. Tapos okay rin naman yung Tattoo kaso nga lang P20/hr.

    Siguro okay rin yung Sun broadband na unlimited parang tattoo din sya kaso nga lang 2 years ang lock-in period.

  138. mahina nakaka irita ang smart umulan oh malakas ang hangin nawawala ang signal nakaka walang ganang gamitin ang smart bro,,,,

  139. lilipat nlng kami sa DSL faster service pa,,, smart talaga oh m pa mobile at internet bulok sa serbisyo,,,,,kaya ung TV add ng smart with Dj MO,,, ka sinungalingan,,, kapal

  140. Did anyone successfully get out of the lock in period without paying the pre termination fee?

    I was a smart wifi (canpoy) subscriber for two years everything is tolerable before February of this year connection is just .07mbps in speedtest and the angering thing is the customer service they are insisting that the connection is fine which is obviously contrary. So my report was escalated to their higher technical service (I can’t remember what that shit was called) but after 3 days no reply or whatsoever.

    I am planning to buy a laptop maybe April or May of this year so I opted to subscribe to plug it unlimited 999 since it was using a different mode of technology which is 3G, theoretically much better than wifi. The first week is great I achieve the highest download speed which is 250kbps (download speed not connection speed) Everything is great!. Then reality sets in and it begs to differ from what I was experiencing. During 7pm till around 12 midnight I’m only getting .20mbps! so I decided to call their CSR as usual the same basic way of checking – Check if the usb connection or sim card si loose etc. After the routinely checking my concern was forwarded to their email support group whom I felt didn’t even know how to use email, not a single reply or whatsoever.

    The next logical step is go to a Smart Wireless Center, after exactly 45 minutes and 13 seconds of waiting from the moment I got my number (still have it) to being called to the desk of their frontliners my original ticket was endorse and I should be expecting a call tomorrow since the Service Level of Agreement is 24 hours.

    Then the next day Mar 18, 2010 8:42:10 I receive a SMS from Cust.Care
    “Good day. This is from SMART Communications. We have been trying to call you through your mobile: However, your phone is unreachable at the time. Please be advised that we will call again to further check your SmartBro Plug-it internet connection.” WTF! if I receive the text message how come they can’t call me and for God sake it is 2010 not 1999, when the mobile phone industry is just beginning It is very rare to receive such message as “user is unreachable”, or maybe they just send the text to meet their SLA requirement of responding. So I waited they called at around 7pm (not sure of the time I should have recorded it) and ask me about my concern, strange if they are reading the content of my first ticket they shouldn’t be asking as if they don’t know anything. I was advice my concern was forwarded to their Highest Support Group and it is for MONITORING (take note of the word) when I ask when to expect an answer the tech guy said try calling for the next 24 hours which I did and it was for MONITORING. I try calling every other day.

    Although those lady CSRs contribute to my daily frustration I do pity them because they are made to tell lies and deceive us, and are always the recipient of the customers anger, so from time to time I try apologizing for my manner of speech before I end a call. But no matter how much I demanded an answer it is always for MONITORING.

    So I am thinking based on the trend of me calling every other day and getting the MONITORING word, concluded that this can go on for years without getting any technical answers about their short comings in service. So I ask the CSR on how to contact their Highest Support Group and she can’t give me an answer.

    Pondering upon the facts I’m speculating that there is no Highest Support Group, the name itself sounds dubious. They are just using the word MONITORING to shut me up and get tired of complaining. Reality is there is no technical issue it is just the extent of their service nothing more nothing less.

    Come to think of it; first they extended their lock in period from 12 to 24 months.
    Second they are constantly flooding the airwaves with their commercial. What does it tell us? Their network is clogged by unsuspecting subscribers who are just hoping to enjoy their service. And they are doing nothing about it!

    This is a SCAM to lure us and lock us for 24months. Paying our exact monthly bill in exchange of what? .20mbps either way we are screwed if we opt to terminate we will be ask to pay the pre termination fee of the remaining months out of the 24 months lock in period, which is unfair it’s like giving them financial reward for failing to satisfy their obligation to us. Or if we choose to stay what do we get 24 months of poor service and frustration. Smart is in a win-win situation and they are still expanding their scam by introducing new products and taking advantage of the technological bubble.

    This annoys the hell out of me, I can get another ISP as an alternative to this shit smartbro that is but I can’t get over the fact that I was cheated. But how about the others especially the OFW families who’s relying on the net to communicate with their love ones abroad? Those who can’t afford another ISP how about them? In fact it’s my Mom’s Birthday (March 23) she is in the US and we can’t even talk at the time that is convenient for both of us because of poor internet service. It’s also my birthday tomorrow March 25. Thanks Smart Bro we really appreciate you bringing families close together.

    And to the upper management and executives and the CEO who device this SCAM may you live forever or find a big enough Coffin to fit all the money you are stealing from your subscribers.


  141. mag Globe broadband ka na lang mas okay at pag may problem within 24 hours padala agad sila ng support sa bagay nyo…dalawa gamit ko sa bahay yung unlimited, pag sa labas me yung globe broadband tattoo, okay pareho masaya ako ngayon compare nung Smart pa ang gamit ko.

  142. ang Ip ba ng globe unique per user kasi sa smart bro shared Ip kaya ang hirap mag download sa megaupload, rapidshare, hotfile etc… lagi “Your IP is already downloading” eh hindi pa naman ako nag download

  143. Ayaw ko na ng SMART!

    Dalawa kami ng ATE ko naka SMART BRO seperate connection 2 antennas sa bubong. Parehas kaming mabagal ang connection simula nung Wednesday. Up to now wala pa ding pagbabago.

    We play Online games at di kami maka laro ng maayos.

    Her contract already expired with SMART and she is planning to go with PLDT MYDSL.

    Too bad for me kse I just started last November 2009.

    Is there any way to avoid that TERMINATION FEE.

    I really want to cancel my SMART BRO.

  144. Mabuti pa Jason mag Globe Broadband ka na lang, ask mo yung walang antenna P995 monthly, next month pang 12 months ko na okay na okay naman ang service mabilis rin mag upload at mag download. Dinig ko maproblema din yang PLDT MYDSL. May bago ngayon ang globe na wi-max P700 + lang monthly try mo yun kasi 30 days money back guarantee naman.

  145. Jason

    you can’t cancel your account through phone go to Smart Wireless Center. Here is the first thing to do document all your unresolve ticket numbers. Then ask the supervisor what are your options since they can’t resolve or give the service that they are advertising. Ask if it is fair to pay them the whole amount while they are not giving what is due to you.

    Write a letter of intent saying that you want to Terminate your account for the following reason and demand to cancel the termination fee since the fault is at their end.

    Hope this help I based my answer from scanning countless of complaints against smart. I am also planning to terminate my account with 22 months remaining right after I verify the availability of globe in my area

  146. last april 20 i got a plan999 plug it from Smart. The reason I got it is their advertised speed of ‘up to 2 Mbps’. I was not expecting to get that knowing that all wireless internet providers here have shared ip. So in my dissatisfaction I reported it to their csr and even went to the wireless center and recorded all their service request numbers. I also printed the speedtest I made. Gathering all these evidences, I made my letter of complaint with the request that my subscription be terminated without paying the 24 month lock in period. I also stated in that letter that we as consumers are protected by law under the Consumer Act of the Phil(RA7394), Title III, Article 50, Section (a).
    To get Smart off my back fast, I did not ask for a refund. They approved it and I gladly returned the plug-it modem.
    So people, dont waste your time, gather your evidence, make a letter and junk Smart.
    If Smart refuses to let you go without paying the lock in period, go to DTI, because they are the enforcer the RA 7394.

  147. FUCK SMART… gusto ko ng ihulog ung plug it unit sa manila bay, tied to a huge fuckin rock, para di na mag-surface!! i call the hotline everyday, at puro excuses… if they tell you that they are monitoring your activity, believe them… THEY KNOW WHAT TIME YOU CONNECTED AND DISCONNECTED! pero ganun pa din, super slow!!! powtek na smart to… ive paid 1 bill pa lang naman, pero what a friggin waste…

    i’m gonna do the ping thing, and the print screen thing, write the “please disconnect” letter with “waived disconnection fee”, call everyday, be polite, cuss sometimes to get the manager, make multiple copies of everything,……. haiiii…. hassle… pero sana worth it….

    demmit… pag napuro na tlga ko ill file a formal complaint thru my husband’s lolo who’s a lawyer… that could wait pa naman… try muna naten lahat ng pwedeng gawin para makaiwas sa mas madugong usapan…

    wish me luck… or truly, ihuhulog ko tlaga sa ilog 2ng lekat na smart bro na to, and then ill savor the sweet, well deserved freedom….


  148. i think we should form a group or a page in facebook named SMART BRO SUCKS!. AND lets see how many would like and join. I also experience those problems ALWAYS! and what i have to do is always wake up early in the morning so the speed would be the fastest(always),in exchange for eye bags. hay . they really have poor connection. i was only tempted to buy this when the 999 would end, if i only knew this would happen, id rather switch to globe.

  149. Smart bro sucks!!! I have a friend with a Smart bro kit and one with the antenna for almost 2 years but she just couldn’t get away with it because smart bro is the only one they have in their area.


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