Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Shooting from your rooftop at exactly 12:00 AM of January 1, 2007 isn’t exactly a nice thing to do, with fireworks exploding just around you. And consider the fact that I’m really bad at shooting fireworks displays. Now, I’m presenting you one photo. Yep, just a single excuse for a fireworks photo.

To make up for it, I’m posting the first YouTube videos (or any video for that matter) on this weblog ever since it was published. Of course you can’t expect me to go shooting videos like Jason Magbanua or our friends from Threelogy; I’m just playing with a few photo-to-video apps (courtesy of Mimi & Karl) for showcasing my photography.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/v/kVd8cfBrkaw]

The video above was created from the shots I took for the Streetkids Christmas Party we had last month, a project of our high school batch. Hopefully, 2007 will provide us with even more opportunities to help others, no matter what.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/v/8_4usc00ER4]

The photos (not all were mine) for the second video were taken during our company’s holiday treat for a local orphanage, a first for us. Instead of spending on a lavish Christmas party, some bright minds had the brilliant idea of diverting whatever we may have to put a smile on the faces of these young kids. A smile that they’d hopefully recall and gladly pass forward to others who might need it. Soon.

Happy new year everyone, here’s to 365 days of making a difference.

And to those I have wronged, I’m sorry.

5 Responses

  1. I wasn’t able to view a lot of fireworks yesterday because I was being “extra careful”. Have a great year ahead!

  2. Thanks Michael, Ver. 🙂

    Ver, when I learned to play and love the guitar more than ten years ago, I gave up firecrackers and fireworks, or at least avoided them as much as I could. Better safe than sorry.

  3. Wow, ganda ng fireworks display photo! Too bad I didn’t witness even a single one nung new year. I was stuck at home eh. haha. pathetic, i know. Be coming back to see more photos! Galing mo po magpikchur! Hekhek!

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