Five on Friday: Why take the freelancing plunge?

I’ve been pondering on dumping my day job to be a full–time freelancer on anything under the sun. Seriously, problogging while taking web development and design plus the occasional photography project should be enough to get me by, while enjoying the other wonderful things in life. I’ve come to a point where I think I don’t need all of life’s luxuries, just a few comforts and I should be fine. Seriously.

But let’s see, what’s in store for everyone with the freedom from corporate slavery?

  1. Sleep all you want. As Abe would always tease me, full–time problogging buys you more time to sleep whenever you crave for it, or at least when you’re done with your tasks for the day. Now who wouldn’t want more sleep?
  2. Earn as much as you’d want to work for. By taking the freelance route, you can earn more than your usual pay by taking on more projects and business ventures. Having more available hours instead of staring at a Makati office desk until the sun sets, you can get more done. It’s up to you if you use it for financially–rewarding endeavors, or for more of your passion–driven advocacies.
  3. Take vacations any time of the year. Or at least when you have no more pending work. Freelancing liberates you from someone’s idea of a calendar and allows you to schedule your work the exact way you want it instead. And you can start your workday anytime without a tardiness deduction! At times, you might need to actually work more hours than there scientifically are in a day, but it also means you can take a break at the most wonderful months of the year. Now think Boracay during the off season, or even outside the Philippines when airfares are discounted and amazingly low. Lots of travel opportunities!
  4. Do the work that you love doing. Since you will be your own boss, no one can force you to work on something you hate. There may be times when you have to compromise your “creative freedom” and take on generic projects just to fill the void and pay the bills, but you’re never obliged to actually work on doomed–to–death projects from bad clients. Unless they’re paying sinfully huge.
  5. Work in your pajamas. Well, I’m not literally a pajama kind of guy, but I abhor corporate clothing especially in companies that have no practical need for it. The type of work as well as the conditions should dictate how workers should dress, and not some excuse for a corporate policy. Please.

I decided to write my thoughts on freelancing since getting cited in Freelance Switch’s The Massive Freelancing Linkswitch. I left out the negatives for now, it doesn’t take much to be aware of them anyway. I’m sure the band of bloggers and local freelancers have a lot to share, so please leave comments. 😉

10 Responses

  1. I know of two or three people doing freelance work out of the office. Done a work or two as a consultant for aquarium-related projects as well. At present still doing and about do some freelance work on the side. Anyway, whether as corporate oompah loompah or a freelance ranger the thing is to do things professionally, manage one’s time well, and develop a network. At least that is what I think. Oh! And a pinch or pound of luck would help as well. 🙂

  2. Hey guess what? I’ve also been toying with this idea for weeks now! I wanna be a full-time freelancer. Aaack.

    I agree with every point you said, but the ‘negatives’ are stopping me from leaving the corporate world for now. If only I were rich that I don’t need to work in an office hahaha

  3. I’ve been bugging you the past few months to go freelance already! You’re a very talented person and I know you’ll survive! I’ll even buy you pajamas if you want hahaha. 🙂

  4. @Juned: I agree, professionalism is a must, cosidering it’s your name that’s directly at stake when dealing with clients as a contractor/freelancer. And yes, who wouldn’t want a drizzle of good luck? 😉

    @Joni: So I guess everyone’s playing with thoughts of freelancing and just me? 🙂 I hope to write more on this soon, or maybe when I’ve actually taken the plunge. 😉

    @Aileen: Yeah I know, I appreciate how you continue to motivate me despite my stubbornness. Hehehe. But I don’t want pajamas! Hahaha. 🙂

  5. Well, if ever you decide to take the plunge, I’ll support you all the way! Oh, and don’t cave in into peer pressure. Mga bully yang sina Aileen eh. Hehehe. (joke, joke!)

    Ako? I have a lot of committed expenses (e.g., housing loan, tuition ng mga kapatid, etc.) that I still need to hang on to my “stable” source of income. But eventually, I’ll follow too. 😉

  6. You’re lucky:) You have enough contacts na kasi. But if you’d really start from scratch, mas mahirap.

    I envy freelancers who don’t need to submit timesheets. Well, unless you’ve got a client who requires it. 😛

  7. @Jozzua: I’m not into that type of freelancing. 😉 Patingin–tingin lang ako minsan, hahaha!

    @Eugene: Sweet mo naman bro! Tuloy na natin yung ating mga web 2.0 dreams!

    I think you’re a good candidate for full–time freelancing. 🙂

    @karl: Bossing, ganda naman ng encouragement mo. Inspiring, especially coming from one of my mentors. 😉

    @Gail: Wala namang deadline to ah! Hehe.

    @Clair: I’m not really good with the marketing part of freelancing, though I think I have enough friends who can help.

    Yes, timesheets be damned!

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