So I’m awake…

But the truth is, I haven’t slept yet. Since I couldn’t sleep, I busied myself reading about these things:

New digital SLRs for Q4 2007.

Despite knowing that none of these cameras will make me a better photographer unless I actually go out and shoot with them, there is a pleasure in reading technical specs and feature lists, hoping that maybe one day, I’ll be shooting with one of these things. Or maybe two.

Indulge me a little — who wouldn’t dream of shooting with the Nikon D3? It basically kills the yet to be sold Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III, which would’ve been a fine camera if only Nikon didn’t spoil the party. But if Nikon could make a full–frame body that can do 9 frames per second on their first try, what has Canon been doing all these years? The Canon EOS-40D though is a fine camera, and I want one, but the Nikon D300 seems so inviting feature–wise, and dare I say, looks more manly and rugged and ready for battle. Maybe I’m a closet Nikon fan after all.

You didn’t think this entry was just an excuse to promote my other blog, or did you?

But back to my attempt at sleeping. No lousy movie could get me to close my eyes, so I went coding. My sister suggested that we build a site for PRC board results, since their webserver seems to be moving at a snail’s pace when she tried checking, most likely because their IT staff felt it was technically sound to distribute the results in a PDF file when a zipped text file would’ve saved bandwidth and all that comes with it. Go figure. So anyway, I did build the site, containing results for the Nursing Board Exam last June 2007. Of course that’s not another promotion, mind you.

And now I feel like sleeping.

9 Responses

  1. Nuninuninu … sleepless nights same here my friend at least my excuse is jetlag ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad to see you busy with the things you love (^_^)Y

  2. @juned: Thanks bro! ๐Ÿ™‚

    @deuts: Yeah, I think that’s the only reason they have. Not good enough though, since it just posed more problems.

    @joachim: Dude 1D Mark III yan ah! Panalo! Ganda nyan, pero I still dream about the Nikon D3… Hehehe.

  3. Ako rin, dreaming about the D3…
    Should I get one? Hmmmm…
    ‘la akong pera.. hehehehe

    Hi nga pala. First time to get a really good close look at your website. GREAT site.

  4. @Joyce: Hello! ๐Ÿ™‚ Nice to finally see you here on my site. I’ll be posting more photos really soon, now that I have more time for it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I really think you will enjoy the D3! Hahaha. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @Diong: Oks din yang mga yan! Though I’m doing my best not to get addicted to other forms of photography, for practical purposes. Kahit mga lomo nga iniiwasan ko, dagdag gastos eh… Unless if I’m already earning well through my photos, only then would I reconsider… Maybe. Hehe. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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