Your Soul’s Music

Before I miss writing a Christmas eve or Christmas day entry, I’ll catch up with a few things I should’ve done a long time ago. I’ve got two meme tags from Aileen, so I better start with the first one:

  1. Take a screen shot of either your Top 25 Most Played / 25 Recently Played / Top Rated songs on your music device.
  2. Post them on your blog and explain yourself.
  3. Copy these instructions and tag 6 audiophiles to do the same thing.

I think my all–time top 25 is skewed, I’d rather share my top 25 most played for the past month:

Top 25 most played songs from last month.

For obvious reasons, several Pop Ratio covers are there since I’ve been missing my band for several months now. With our vocalist Jonas playing footsie with middle eastern men in Bahrain, I don’t think we’ll be jamming together soon.

The Smokey Mountain’s Can This Be Love has always been a favorite but I’m surprised it isn’t on Aileen’s list, I think it best describes how she always used to feel!

Among those listed, I consider Landslide, Angel, Helplessly, I Need You Here, and Himala as personal favorites that I’d never get tired listening to. Lastly, string quartet renditions of popular music is a pleasure to listen to these days, good for relaxing while driving in the season’s traffic mess.

I don’t think I’m tagging anyone for now, but feel free to share your list.

9 Responses

  1. Hi Oz! No lantern parade pics, I didn’t bother going considering the hellish traffic in the city.

    Owen, most of those bands are based in the Philippines and not released internationally, that’s why.

  2. Have you heard the original “Landslide” by Stevie Nicks? Click on my name above. Holiday cheer! Chinese New Year is approaching.

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