Five on Friday: 5 Photosets

It’s been a while since I’ve had a Five on Friday post, and maybe even longer is the last time I’ve posted a set of photos. And today’s a Friday. Obviously, it’s the perfect day to write a 5oF post with five sets of photos!

Let’s have a healthy mix of photos I should’ve already posted before, or photos that I’ve only shared on Facebook but not yet here.

UP is known for its sunflowers that bloom around April, so after a blogger–initiated activity inside the campus, we rushed to the University Avenue to have an impromptu photo session with our friends.

This was a dinner with the “Iskul Bocols,” officemate–friends from a company Hana and I used to work in.

These are from last year’s Pisay Homecoming, where we noticed that fewer batchmates attend each year as we all grow older.

Frame–grabs from Cliquebooth are perfect for polaroid treatments, as these photos taken from Katy’s Christening would prove.

Dinner anywhere occasionally turns into a photo session for me and Hana. This was in Tokyo Cafe in SM North EDSA, one of our favorites.

It’s more than obvious that I’ve taken a liking for Polaroid–style photos. For my instant fix, I’ve used Poladroid on the desktop. Recently, I’ve discovered an Android app called Vignette that does the same thing (and a lot more), but applies the effect  right upon capture. Instant faux polaroids!

Now wouldn’t it be fun if I could upload more photosets frequently? This was fun. Let’s hope there’s more soon.

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