Manic Monday

Yuri the wonder dog!

I’ve often engaged in senseless musings in the rare times I blog that I’m almost sure my readers would be surprised to see the contrary. So I won’t even try. I’m supposed to be asleep by now having stayed awake through the night, but now I find myself blogging. What a surprise!

To be honest, I’m really just passing time (again) waiting for slumber to strike once more. And that should come after I try an alpha CyanogenMod build for my phone, which is still downloading at the moment.

Now let me tell you about my browser tabs. Did you know it’s almost impossible for me to have less than 10 of them at any given time? Occasionally, I manage to go just below 20 tabs and that’s something I already consider a little victory. I have this bad habit of “keeping” tabs to read for later, and they almost always grow more than I can manage. I’ve been using Read It Later but I guess it’s been of marginal help. I used to do “linkdumps” a lot some years back and I think doing that again could help a bit. Let’s do it!

More than a week ago, I came across an interesting piece by Marco Ament discussing “the Blogger Trap,” wherein a blog’s success starts to become the blogger’s own limitation. Not that this is a successful blog, because it’s quite far from that. But any self–respecting blogger who cares know this: the more readers you get, the more you want to write to their expectations. In no time, it becomes a trap. You start to avoid topics too far from what’s currently popular on your blog, even the ones that interests you personally.

You don’t want to be caught in that trap.

Gotta go now, my phone’s not booting the right way. Looks like I won’t be sleeping yet.



It’s already the 11th of October here in Manila. But since we’re running eight hours ahead of GMT, this could still qualify as a 10–10–10 post. Oops, I got that wrong—I should’ve placed the month before the date. There. it should be 10–10–10.

Sometimes I think I need to stop trying to amuse myself and just let this blog gracefully exist in silence. Or until we can find the true meaning of the number 42, that is.

This doesn’t make sense at all.

WordCamp PH 2010: WordPress Setup and Maintenance

Last week, I had the chance to once again be a part of WordCamp Philippines. I was a last minute addition, taking Winston’s place for the topic WordPress Setup and Maintenance. It was rather hard to prepare a presentation that lasts 30 minutes discussing a task that would normally take just five. It was definitely fun though, discussing the simple steps to getting things up and running, with all the caveats that I’ve encountered in the many years I’ve been using and tweaking WordPress. I had to steal a few slides from last year’s presentation just to emphasize some key ideas to think about.

If you were at my talk and you’ve got a question you forgot to ask, feel free to leave a comment. You can grab my slides at slideshare if you wish to go through them. Or just view them right here:

[embeddoc url=”” viewer=”microsoft”]


Just a side note, I think it’s just me and Gail who’s done all three Philippine WordCamps. I think I’d like to do this every year. I’ve got a few crazy WordPress ideas that would be fun to talk about. 😉 And here are my few snaps from that day.