16 Responses

  1. To-Do:
    1. Admin interface conversion to MySQL
    2. Presentation layer conversion to MySQL
    3. Automatic thumbnails
    4. Simpler template tags, OOP style
    5. Import script from old flat–file database
    6. New template
    7. Code cleanup
    9. Automatic resize on upload
    10. Flash–based cropping tool [?]

    And lots more…

  2. http://onatlopera.com/2005/05/04/snapshots-online/
  3. http://mathibus.com/blogmarks/2005/05/#link-564
  4. Onat, that’s a beautiful iPAP layout you’ve got there!

    Mathias, I’ll send you a zip of the current codebase soon. It’s working on the dev server on my desktop, maybe we can start working on the other features we’ve been planning to integrate the past months.

  5. Thank you 😀

    Wait. WP does that automatically?! The Pingback?

    I need to read on Pings and trackbacks, medyo di ko pa gano alam yun. 😀

  6. I just had the craziest idea Markku… what if we integrated a cool javascript slideshow into each of the albums. now that would really be tight.

    You might have seen the Couloir gallery, and it looks like a stripped-down-creative-commonized version of simpleviewer.

    All we need to do is to run a loop inside the javascript that gets the images from the album folders and gets the image location, dimensions (for automatic resizing of the container), and the description. check out their site to see how it works.

    Good luck.

  7. More To–Do ideas:

    1. FTP upload
    2. Batch upload (zip)
    3. B&W thumbnails [?]
    4. slideshow viewer [?]
    5. SimpleViewer flash interface [?]

    I’m drowning in work again, I hope the weekend provides some spare time for these things. Keep the ideas coming.

  8. Joachim: You might have seen the Couloir gallery, and it looks like a stripped-down-creative-commonized version of simpleviewer.

    It looks nice, but I couldn’t see the link to the code, though I haven’t really tried digging. If it fits our code, then we could probably use it.

  9. I have a copy of the code on my blog… you will really have to look into the HTML source to see the code on the header as well as to look into the HTML elements to see the implementation. But your idea of using simpleviewer is also a good idea… if only we can remove the simpleviewer text at the bottom somehow.

  10. Joen: Most excellent! If you manage to add comments to the system, I’ll switch right away!

    You’ll hear from us when we finally have the comments system working. That would really depend on the need and demand for that feature, and the work involved to implement it.

  11. You’ll hear from us when we finally have the comments system working. That would really depend on the need and demand for that feature, and the work involved to implement it.

    Very valid.

    I’m not going to whine you into making this, but I’d like to elaborate why I see comments as an essential feature.

    First of all, I’ve been resarching Photo Gallery CSM’s. I’ve been through maybe 50 systems. The sheer amount of systems is insane.

    The trend is, to either create very minimalistic systems that have a few great features, or to create massive humongous applications that have hundreds of features.

    The first of these types of CMS’s are usually neat, easily templatable, work in PHP Safe Mode and are generally very nice. Prime examples of these systems are your iPAP, and Photostack.

    The second type include comments and bulks of features, but are hard to template, and do not work in PHP Safe Mode. Examples would be Gallery or Coppermine.

    This leaves open a hungry market for a very specific type of application, and that application could be iPAP. In that application, you upload a folder, change a line of text, and there you have it: photo galleries with comments on them. (Oh, and it works in PHP Safe Mode). As you’ll see from the link earlier, I’m not the only one looking for such a system.

    But as it stands now, Photostack is an excellent system. Only a system of similar power (such as yours), but with Comments, would make me migrate. The joker is, I’m just representative of a huge amount of people that feel like I do on this topic, so you’d really do iPAP (and me) a favor of prioritizing comments.

    With that said, BEST of luck! I’ll be following this intently.

  12. Joen, I’m all ears on your comments. I’m considering bumping up the list the implementation of a comments system, give us a few days to think about this. 🙂

    Your entry on photo gallery applications was great, I’ll follow the comments and learn what I can. 😉

  13. That’s excellent news Markku, I hope comments will happen!

    But just so comments won’t be a can of worms for you, what I would personally need in a comment system is rather simple.

    * Name
    * Possibly but not necessarily an URL
    * Comment
    * Admin option to delete comments
    * Obfuscated form names (to prevent comment spam)

    And that’s about it.

  14. http://rebelpixel.com/archives/2005/05/16/more-ipap/

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