Pisay ’96 Streetkids Christmas Party

Street children queuing for our treats.

Two Sundays ago, our high school batch had a little Christmas party for street children. We invited small groups near Diliman and brought them to the UP Lagoon for their celebration. Though it rained briefly, it didn’t stop us from pushing through. We moved to the Quezon Hall and it was more than enough for our needs.

We didn’t have much of a program prepared but for the usual kid stuff, but to them it was more than enough for a typical Sunday afternoon.

Striking a pose.

Some would argue that activities like this do not provide long term benefits for those who really need them. Though I agree, I also feel that we cannot help based on future gains alone. If you could make a young child smile over a plate of chicken and spaghetti, even just for an hour or two, you know that by doing so you give them hope. That no matter how difficult life may be, somehow God’s goodness will continue to manifest among men. Hope.

Raise your plates!

“Ate, kuya, salamat po.” All we could do was smile.

11 Responses

  1. galeng!

    Some would argue that activities like this do not provide long term benefits for those who really need them. Though I agree, I also feel that we cannot help based on future gains alone. If you could make a young child smile over a plate of chicken and spaghetti, even just for an hour or two, you know that by doing so you give them hope.

    exactly my thoughts! congrats pisay ’96!

  2. these activities are really more for you guys not for the kids. it’s your form of absolution more than anything else and you have to admit to that.

    sorry to rain on your parade. and no markku, hindi ako galit. people mistake honest opinions for anger.

  3. Hi grace. πŸ™‚ I guess everyone has a right to have an opinion on this. I would definitely agree that the long term benefits of such activities are questionable, but I would never accept that the people involved were doing it for themselves.

    Anyway, we’re always open to everyone’s ideas. We’d love to hear from you on how we could help more effectively. πŸ˜‰


  4. these activities are really more for you guys not for the kids. itÒ€ℒs your form of absolution more than anything else and you have to admit to that.

    i agree with the idea that these types of activities can have the giver as the real beneficiaries — them being able to feel they have contributed somehow, done something good somehow, and them being able to process it further to a point perhaps mining a life lesson or two. i myself go through this once in a while, and yes, i do admit being the real beneficiary of such activities most of the time.

    as a form of absolution? maybe. but i would disagree on the idea that it is the only possible main reason behind such outreach, “more than anything else.”

    i have seen random acts of kindness from random people that become turning points, even defining moments, in the lives of the recipients. i would say these perhaps isolated cases should inspire us to keep on doing good, even without a strategic and long-term plan in mind, not to absolve ourselves from past sins but to really make a difference how minute it may seem. At the very least, to increase the kindness and love in the world. i tell you, we need it so badly.

  5. i applaud your batch’s good work – whatever your intentions are, at least you’ve done something good. in the end, that’s what really matters.

    i think that those people who cannot say anything good should shut the fuck up. stop hating. that’s my honest opinion.

  6. Chris, thanks. Nicely said. πŸ˜‰

    alfie, you do have a point that in the end, it’s doing good that matters. And yeah, we do need to stop being a hindrance to each other and focus on producing positive change.

    I’m sure discussions like this benefits everyone and hopefully enables us to find effective solutions to all sorts of problems.

  7. COMMENT on long term effects:

    You just need to light one candle to create light.

    One spark and darkness may cease.
    One good seed for a sturdy tree.

    I am a product of an outreach program event. I was studying at an impoverished public elementary school when some Scholasticans came and gave us candies, school supplies, and most especially…hope.

    Nalaman ko may iba pa palang mundo.

    I took an exam and qualified as a scholar at St. Scholastica (Kinaya ko kahit ayaw ng marami sa akin as “equal” ). Without my training there, I know I would not be able to pass Pisay (and would not meet my BEST friends and my husband) and would not have a college degree.

    COMMENTS on self-absolution or personal gain
    Isn’t it great? Nakakatulong ka na, nasisiyahan ka pa.
    That’s why there is pleasure in sex because its ultimate reason is procreation…so that life will go on.

    God created us for Himself. Kasi for everything, He must only be the Reason.

    So actually, though you did not know it, you were doing it for Someone else.


    Lighter side: Just one drop of NaOH more and phenolphthalein will turn your solution fuchsia and not the desired pinkish stuff! Nya…corny.

    Wala namn atang galit dito. Honest lang lahat.=)

    My blog na rin ako kaso saka na lang…sorry Markku. Ginawa ko na atang blogspace ko ‘to.

  8. Before this creates strain…there were many Scholasticans who
    until now I cherish. Di sila lahat inisnob ako. I love nanette, rebecca, grace, cecille, cherie anne, alice, arianne, marami pa… pa hi sa mga kakilala mo sa kanila. They made my stay in St. Scho worthwhile.

  9. Hi dulcinea! Whew, haba ng sinabi mo ah. πŸ™‚

    I really don’t mind the long comments, as long as we are all making sense. If your comments makes us all think, then you’ve certainly earned the right to share your thoughts here. πŸ˜‰

    Ganda naman ng story mo, nakakatuwa. Makes me even prouder with the things our batch has been trying to do.

    Please do share your blog, I’d love to visit it. Yeah I think I know some names you mentioned, unless mali ako. Hehe.

    But wait, have we met before? Sori kung di ko maalala ha. Unless of course I know you by another name. πŸ™‚

  10. i somehow expected it…hehe.
    don’t worry,di kita naging kaklase kaya my name won’t ring a bell

    i just want to comment though.=D

    saka ko na lang ipopost blog ko pag medyo may content na…

    more Power (capital talaga yan)!

  11. http://rebelpixel.com/archives/2007/04/10/pisay-96-medical-mission/
  12. http://rebelpixel.com/?p=566
  13. http://rebelpixel.com/?p=567
  14. http://rebelpixel.com/archives/2008/12/12/pisay-96-streetkids-christmas-party-year-3/

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