In the fields

From the same set of photos from our high school batch’s medical mission:



Back: Markku, Lloyd. Front: Sherwin, Joy. (Photo by Joey)

Back: Sherwin, Lloyd. Front: Joey, Joy.





This weekend, April 21 & 22, Pisay ’96 will be at the Hundred Islands in Pangasinan for an Earth Day coastal cleanup. We are looking for volunteers who can lend a hand and somehow make a difference for the environment. Needless to say, we will definitely have fun as we’ll probably go island hopping the day after! Game?

Third photo taken by Joey. Models: Sherwin, Joey, Lloyd, Markku, Joy, Michelle.

8 Responses

  1. pisay 96? Eh henyo ka pala e. 😉 (I tried it out sa pisay but got in masay instead hehe, I’m not geek enough daw). You know Daniel Perez?


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