This is the archive page for posts categorized under Photography

Why is the rain blue?

I just set a personal record for least number of blog entries in a month — zero. I never blogged through all of June, and I almost forgot I *do* have a blog until the greatest tech blogger in the Philippines linked to this domain, using link terms befit only for the great masters. So […]

Prenup: Nitz & Bek

I got to know Bek in my first few days at my previous work; she was among the instructors for our eventful three–month training. I remember her as one of the cooler ones as she didn’t insist on using up all the scheduled time for lectures and exercises. She’d simply go through her module and […]

The Team

You might find it amusing that I’m writing about my team of photographic tools that I use. You’d think differently though if I’d tell you this is just the first time they’ve been together, all four of them. The 400D without–a–name that I sometimes jokingly call “Unlucky” is now back after four and a half […]