This is the archive page for posts tagged prenup

Prenup: Nitz & Bek

I got to know Bek in my first few days at my previous work; she was among the instructors for our eventful three–month training. I remember her as one of the cooler ones as she didn’t insist on using up all the scheduled time for lectures and exercises. She’d simply go through her module and […]

Prenup: Nards & Aggie

Nards and Aggie were among the first few I met when Joey invited me to a RockEd event. They certainly were very accommodating, just like most RockEd volunteers. I noticed I shared a common passion with them, they also loved taking photos. From then on, I’d never see them apart every time I’d get the […]

Prenup: Mervin & Bebbet

Mervin and Bebbet were my officemates in my last 8–to–5 job. When I started shooting with a digital SLR, these two were willing models who would rarely pass on the chance to smile for the camera. We were all just a bunch of friends who had lots of fun at the office. When they heard […]

Number one?

The first results for the google query “isulong seoph” (without the quotes) is now steadily made available. Currently, the SERPs returns varied results for different IPs, browsers, google accounts, and other parameters we may never know. As it stands, my entry domain is at number one for most of the result sets, though strangely […]